"If I wanted America To Fail"

Boy do those ideas sound like familiar opinions expressed by a few on Whyzzat.
Are the Board Admins allowed to delete spam?
Boy do those ideas sound like familiar opinions expressed by a few on Whyzzat.

I think it's a spin off of Paul Harvey's 1965's "If I were the Devil" radio broadcast:

Faethor asked:
"Are the Board Admins allowed to delete spam?"

I would vote for yes! But be careful what you wish for.
Your message count could almost disappear.:eek:
Boy do those ideas sound like familiar opinions expressed by a few on Whyzzat.
You are making a logical error when you assume that this video is actually describing the cause of America's failings. You are probably getting off on it because it bashes greenies and hippies rather than because it makes even a grain of sense or is anything more than lies.

What a stoopid plan. A much better way would be to fly airplanes into the financial heart of America while a wannabe cowboy was on the throne surrounded by agents for a foreign country willing to make money on any ventures that they could encourage.

As to energy - sure we could ignore cheap plentiful energy like thorium in favour of Uranium 235 which is rarer that platinum but can be used in the production of atomic bombs.

What a stoopid plan. A much better way would be to fly airplanes into the financial heart of America while a wannabe cowboy was on the throne surrounded by agents for a foreign country willing to make money on any ventures that they could encourage.

As to energy - sure we could ignore cheap plentiful energy like thorium in favour of Uranium 235 which is rarer that platinum but can be used in the production of atomic bombs.

I had a feeling that video would disturb the Progressives, both domestic and international. Time is about to tell if your agenda will succeed or fail in the US. With the Global Elites controlling the Progressive's agenda, I fear that it will succeed. If you think Canada will be spared from the upcoming pain, you have another think coming.
The Best Thing About Being A Liberal Is Not Having To Lie All The Time

Why are conservatives so willing to believe the tripe that conservative politicians and media outlets dish out to them? Are they just stupid? Nah. Too easy. Also, not true. Are they all racists? While a disturbingly large amount of them are, no, that’s not it either. So what is it? How do otherwise rational, educated people come to believe something that every shred of empirical evidence contradicts?
I think a large part of it has to do with desperation and denial. The desperation that comes from what they perceive to be a tragic loss of power. American Exceptionalism is a heady concept that is self-reinforcing. We’re a Great country because we’re awesome. We deserve to be awesome because we’re so Great. There’s a distinct religious aspect to this belief but that is a completely different subject I’ll tackle another time.
Until recently, say, 2008, we WERE awesome in our own minds. So what if we couldn’t
pacify two little pissant countries while covertly bombing a third? So what if the world was disgusted by our violation of human rights after being among the most vocal opponents of torture for decades? Who cares?! We’re AMERICA, dammit!

Then our economy crashed and untold millions lost their retirements, investments, savings, jobs and homes. Suddenly we weren’t so awesome anymore. Years of Wall Street deregulation blew up in our faces and the average schmuck on the street got hosed. For a very short time, all of the country’s rage was focused, appropriately, on the banks that had actually caused the collapse. Then the investment in right wing brainwashing paid off in spades. Quick! Find a scapegoat! Half of the country’s rage shifted to anything BUT the banks and the conservative policies that enabled their behavior. According to Fox and Rush and Beck and all the other highly paid shills it was Obama’s fault (or Freddie Mac or liberal spending or Social Security or whatever would stick when they threw it at the wall) and the filthy liberal scum were picking on the poor old multinational banks and billionaires to further their gay/socialist/communist/evil zombie Nazi agenda.

The Best Thing About Being A Liberal Is Not Having To Lie All The Time


Funny. The closest America got to failure was under the economic stewardship of Allan Greenspan. What America needs is change and lots of it but not the kind of change the guy in this video suggests.
I had a feeling that video would disturb the Progressives, both domestic and international.
It disturbs anyone with a brain who has been paying attention - well, not just the video itself which is a pure BS payload delivered on the wings of dark fear using all usual PR techniques to get nonsense into your head by turning off you rational abilities. If you transcribe the words and just look at them then it's gibberish - it's content free. What IS alarming though is that people take it seriously. It offends me that the PR companies think it is so easy to manipulate people and it offends me again when people prove them right.

Time is about to tell if your agenda will succeed or fail in the US.
But it's going to have to be an awful lot of time because no-one with any power is trying "my" agenda in the US. The US will have to fail first before anyone starts trying "my" agenda.

If you think Canada will be spared from the upcoming pain, you have another think coming.
Canada under Harper is rapidly moving towards fascism, don't you worry. He has taken us on a hard right turn towards authoritarianism - he wants to dismantle our healthcare system and fill the prisons with non-violent "offenders". You'd love it.
What IS alarming though is that people take it seriously. It offends me that the PR companies think it is so easy to manipulate people and it offends me again when people prove them right.

Yeesh. No kidding. If it were any more over the top, they'd need to hire Colbert in order to deliver the lines without laughing. I had to watch for a few minutes just to make sure it wasn't a film class satire project. Then I vomited uncontrollably.
How do otherwise rational, educated people come to believe something that every shred of empirical evidence contradicts?

Fear plays a large role. Fearful people tend to want "strong" leaders - ironically the people who are most often heard to denounce the "nanny state" are the ones who want a state that makes them feel safe by telling them what to do rather than a state that provides the essential services so that people are free to pursue their own ventures.

The more fear that the owners can instill in the populace the more of the populous will beg for the the elites to protect them. The powerless in the end ask for their own enslavement rather. The fearless would rather fight for their freedom - so they must be made to fear too.
i don't know whats gonna happen when all of this unfolds, not for sure anyway. whole thing is kinda disheartening tho', i do see that... we're kind of at that moment in history whereby an impasse has been reached however and i feel the average guy has one of three really bad options...

1) tim mcveigh yourself, get labeled a terrorist, for foolishly hoping everybody else would stand up
2) wait for that moment when it all hits the fan and be as prepared as you can
3) stick head in sand pile and hope it all goes away

desperation makes men do things they wouldn't normally do had they only been given a different range of options...