Reply editor broken on mobile?


Active Member
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
On my android tablet the rich text editor and the link/image/video buttons are all missing. Also, if you reply to a post the edit pane contains the raw html. Did something change on the site or did my mobile browser update?
On my android tablet the rich text editor and the link/image/video buttons are all missing. Also, if you reply to a post the edit pane contains the raw html. Did something change on the site or did my mobile browser update?

Still looking funky now I've switched to the phone... but differently funky. Reply doesn't go to a different page but quotes to the edit pane at the foot of the thread. Still no edit widgets but text is now bbcode.

Wayne, are you playing with things?
Still looking funky now I've switched to the phone... but differently funky. Reply doesn't go to a different page but quotes to the edit pane at the foot of the thread. Still no edit widgets but text is now bbcode.

Wayne, are you playing with things?

Everything looks normal now that I've made it to a desktop. Maybe some updates to the android browser and android chrome? Maybe I'll check firefox on the tablet. Or perhaps the tapatalk plug-in is working to make the page work less well on mobile so we'll have to use their app. :)
Ya, my Nexus 4 (running 4.4.0) with latest Chrome seems to be missing those as well. However, I never use a browser on mobile for whyzzat, instead using tapatalk. Not sure if it was always like that. I thought you used tapatalk too.
Ha, fixed it. If you're using chrome, from the menu select: request desktop site. Buttons for rich edit are back.
Ha, fixed it. If you're using chrome, from the menu select: request desktop site. Buttons for rich edit are back.
I'll have to try that out. I rarely use tapatalk to post because it's still a royal pain, especially embedding things and adding links. It's bad enough on a real computer.
However, on the phone it's not bad just for seeing who's posted. (Plus I'm still not too keen on on the stuff that seems to pass through tapatalk servers).
On the other hand, when I'm on my tablet I prefer the desktop site.