Going back to a discussion we had here earlier this year, I remember The_Leander and a few others wanting more information as to the way affirmative action and other "benefit" type programs in the US are used to divide and promote racism. Here's a gem from Virginia...
So, never mind that the kids live in the same neighborhoods as each other, and go to the same schools... Essentially, they're just saying that Asians are expected to do the best, while white kids are capable of being kinda good, latinos are a bit slower, and blacks, well, they're still a bit above the mentally incompetent. Nice. (sigh)
As part of Virginia's waiver to opt out of mandates set out in the No Child Left Behind law, the state has created a controversial new set of education goals that are higher for white and Asian kids than for blacks, Latinos and students with disabilities.
Here's what the Virginia state board of education actually did. It looked at students' test scores in reading and math and then proposed new passing rates. In math it set an acceptable passing rate at 82 percent for Asian students, 68 percent for whites, 52 percent for Latinos, 45 percent for blacks and 33 percent for kids with disabilities.
So, never mind that the kids live in the same neighborhoods as each other, and go to the same schools... Essentially, they're just saying that Asians are expected to do the best, while white kids are capable of being kinda good, latinos are a bit slower, and blacks, well, they're still a bit above the mentally incompetent. Nice. (sigh)