who says drones can't be fun?

Yup - drones can be fun alright. I have one of these:
However, it's currently broken in multiple different ways. It's an expensive little toy and being little it doesn't like big gusts of wind, it doesn't like trees that much either - and when it goes out of range it will just hang there until the battery runs out or until you can get close enough. Some of the promotional videos I've seen you know those guys are only flying the way they are because they have a bunch of drones handy and they don't pay for them. :)
As it is, I have to go get me some spare parts - especially now that the weather is getting nice.
I find that all RC toys are really cool for about 15 minutes. The only reason I want one is to terrorize our cat. It's also the very reason why I'm not allowed one. :(
I find that all RC toys are really cool for about 15 minutes.
The AR Drone only has about 12 minutes of flight time in the battery. Last time I took it out with the kids we only burned about a minute. The first crash was fixable, the second was fatal.
(After I get this fixed the kids won't be flying it!)
I can see it now...Fluffy in sending his drone to YOUR house!


he will have to await new (hopefully more accurate) grid coordinates. i have my cashiers check for 1000 dollars and am going to drive tomorrow to get my new homes from HUD... :D

t-bone likes his new yard


front room.. nice wood floors


44 days and counting... :D that's my friend jamie... her dad lives in wichita and he's unwell, dying actually... so i gave her a ride back...

this the view from house... only bigger... cause i am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay closer... can anybody tell im excited? this is the first thing i have done "for me"... ever... in my entire life... thanx red... i needed that... and mean it... i needed this...