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Apr 12, 2005
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I'm sure by now we're all painfully (and I stress, painfully) aware of Sarah Palin's book; Going Rogue. I of course have yet to pick up a copy but it does seem that she kept with the title of the book in at least one way: She chose to not include an index for her book. What a maverick! Finding specific bits of info quickly is the sort of thing only socialists like to do anyway. However, luckily for the literate socialists, Slate magazine has gone through the trouble of creating an index for us all. And I'm of course nice enough to post it here. Enjoy: :)

	autumn bouquet of, 1
	robin's egg sky of, 2
	superiority to Lower 48 of, 1-413

Baldwin, Alec
	preference for Stephen over, 314

Biden, Joe
	gaffes of, 278
	pre-debate stretching regimen of, 296
	accidental reference to as "Sen. O'Biden," 289

blinking, not, 198

Blitzer, Wolf
	approval of mother of, 351
	implicit disapproval of, 351

Builder, Tito the, 305

Bono, nondescript conversation with, 301

books and magazines, references to
	A Conflict of Vision, 385
	Animal Farm, 27
	Buck, Pearl S., 180
	Bible, the, 15
	cookbooks, 15
	Lewis, C.S., 27
	Nash, Ogden, 15
	National Geographic, 27
	Pearl, The, 27
	Ranger Rick, 27
	Reader's Digest, 15
	Seagull, Jonathan Livingston, 27
	Service, Robert, 15
	Sports Illustrated, 27
	Wonderful World of Oz, The, 16

cap and trade
	brilliant suggested renaming of as "Cap and Tax," 390
	characterization of as "environmentalist Ponzi scheme," 391

capital letters, unorthodox use of
	"Patriots," dedication page

Clinton, Hillary
	invitation to coffee with, 287
	whining of, 287

Community organizing, actual responsibility lackingness of, 65, 242

Couric, Katie
	"repetitive, biased questions" of, 271
	unfair editing of interview with, 273
	condescension of, 276
	things I could/should have said to, 274-5
	things I could have done instead of talking to, 279

	unexpected size of, 266
	insistence on lingering with, despite objections from campaign staffers, 268

debate, vice presidential
	poorness of preparation for, 281-85
	answers they made me give during, 281
	answers I wanted to give during, 282
	wink during, N/A

"Democrat," usage of as adjective, 155, 227

dialogue, implausibly recreated, 2, 53, 74, 151, 161, 179, 188, 217, 235, 318, 358, 375

	forced by Steve Schmidt to go on, 284
	Steve Schmidt needs to go on, 285

	attempted selling of jet on, 147
	fudging of original claim that I did sell jet on, 147

e-mail, hacking of, 263-65

exclamation point, usage of, 4, 26, 120, 121, 122, 138, 150, 199, 207, 222, 223, 225, 233, 239, 241, 276, 302, 307

	skeptical views of, 217
		use of word "Neanderthal" despite, 30, 172

"experts," wrongness of, 254, 289, 336, 375, 392

	citation of as example of laudable free-market enterprise, 400
	utility of for calling out haters, 400

Ferraro, Geraldine
	kinship with, 295

food, Alaskan
	halibut tacos, 1
	reindeer sausage 1
	caribou lasagna, 218

foreshadowing, dramatic, 25, 28, 44

	belief in, 22
	rewards from in the form of
		children (implicit), 23
		Todd Palin, 34
		job for Todd, 50
	conversation with, 173
	master plan of, 176
	inability to make mistakes of, 185
	letter written in the voice of, 185-87
	deliberate causation of premature birth of Trig of, 195

Going rogue, actual instances of
	handing phone to McCain for a radio interview without permission, 252
	expressing regret about pulling out of Michigan, 298
	distancing self from $150,000 wardrobe purchase, 317
	Todd going onstage on Election Night despite being told not to, 337

Hasselbeck, Elizabeth
	"bold and talented" nature of, 315

haters, named
	Andrew Halcro, 116
	"falafel lady" Andree McLeod, 117
	Huffington Post, 238

haters, unnamed
	Ashley Judd, 134
	"town crier," 117
	Andrew Sullivan, 238
	David Corn, 305

Hunting and/or fishing, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31 (before school), 44, 49, 55, 165, 166, 177, 327, 379

Johnston, Levi
	single, unnamed reference to as Bristol's "former boyfriend," 375

journalists, top sources for
	a defeated former Palin opponent, 236
	a maniacal blogger, 236
	the "falafel lady," 236

Kerry, John, elitism of, 181

Lieberman, Joe, 285-86
	advice from, 286

life, observations about
	"Life has a fascinating way of coming full circle," 131

"maverick," various forms of, 90, 252, 299

mavericky decisions, examples of
	not using corporate jet, 130
	firing personal chef, 133
	not spending time on the Juneau cocktail circuit, 140

McCain, Cindy
	elegance and beauty of, 210
	inaccuracy of "ice queen" reputation of, 221

McCain, John
	first meeting with, 210
	discussion of candidacy with, 220
	final conversation with, 336
	characterization of as "my friend," 380

	preference for, 18
	deep question about: "If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?" 133

	getting things wrong, 203, 233, 237, 238, 276, 342, 378
	getting things right, 246
	liberalness of, 270

"midnight sun," 1, 22, 149

miracle, Election Day prayer for, 331

	betraying Todd's stepmom by not backing her for Wasilla mayor, 87
	not making a bigger issue of the Rev. Wright, 307

moose, 18, 20, 31, 113, 134, 270

music listened to
	Toby Keith, 105
	Black Eyed Peas, 114
	"an old LL Cool J remix," 114

names, origins of
	Track, 53
	Bristol, 57
	Willow, N/A
	Piper, 76
	Agia (puppy), 137
	Trig, 185

"nerd," characterization of self as, 37, 149

Obama, Barack
	impressive but empty oratorical skills of, 227
	"staggering national deficit" incurred by, 388

Palin, Todd
	ownership of 1972 Ford Mustang by, 34
	quiet maturity of, 34
	manly physique of, 352

philosophers, citation of
	Aristotle, 63
	King, Martin Luther, Jr., 86
	Paine, Thomas, 146
	Pascal, 22
	Plato, 24
	Twain, Mark, 397

policy, preference for over politics, 156

politics-as-usual, 3, 5, 6, 70, 72, 109, 119, 144, 156, 183
	(See also status quo, 5)

		boyfriend, 33
		job for Todd with British Petroleum, 50
	not answered
		winning debate with Joe Biden, 295
		winning 2008 election, 333

	descriptions of
		"I porked up," 50
		"ready to calve," 51
		"more nauseated than usual," 171
		"starving for king crab and scallops," 192
		feeling contractions during Texas speech, 194
	reaction to own
		"Holy geez!" 171
	reaction to Bristol's
		"Truthfully, I was devastated," 207
	campaign's advance knowledge of, 214
	campaign's botched handling of, 234

"progress," usage of as transitive verb, 64

pundits, idiocy of, 44

Reagan, Ronald, 3, 12, 45, 46, 47, 59, 124, 158, 216, 297, 384, 386, 387, 391, 394, 400
	(See: USS Ronald Reagan, 394)

	ethics complaints that led to, 352
	FOIA requests that led to, 354
	agonizing over, 375-76
	announcement of, 377
	characterization of as "not retreating" but "reloading," 377, 383

Rock, Kid
	approval of as "pro-America" with "common sense ideas," 300

running (exercise)
	Refusal of campaign to let her engage in, 285
	Injury incurred the one time she is allowed to engage in, 291

Russia, proximity of Alaska to, 275
	map proving it, pre-index page

Salter, Mark
	willingness to engage in fisticuffs, 213

Sarkozy, Nicolas
	prank call from impersonator of, 326
	Schmidt's "screaming" reaction to, 328

Saturday Night Live, 26
	watching of, 26
	longtime admiration for, 26
	excitement to go on, 308
	comparing belly sizes with cast of, 311
	transcript of moose rap on, 312

Scheunemann, Randy
	likeability of, 228
	willingness to defend Palin of, 319

Schmidt, Steve
	bald head of, 212
	24-hour sunglasses-wearing of, 212
	unlikeability of, 212
	conniving, back-stabbing machinations of, 318-21

science, inadequacy of to explain existence, 47

sentence, actual
	"As the soles of my shoes hit the soft ground, I pushed past the tall cottonwood trees in a euphoric cadence, and meandered through willow branches that the moose munched on," 102

Seward, William H.
	mockery of for purchasing Alaska in 1867, 12
	ultimate vindication of, 13

shaking things up, locations of
	city hall, 72
	state house, 128
	"across the entire state," 123

skeletons in closet, only
	D in college, 214

	"Positive-ly Palin," 64
	"New Energy," 86
	"Change," 112
	"New Energy for Alaska," 119
	"Take a Stand," 119
	"Greenies. Grannies. Gunnies," 129
	"Country First," 269

snowmachine, 17, 18, 34, 44, 47, 83, 125, 187-89, 302
	Todd's injury on, 189

speech, Republican National Convention
	characterization of as "a team effort," 239
	line-by-line rehashing of, 240-46

speech, election night
	painstaking drafting of, 332-35
	Schmidt forbidding delivery of, 336
	added humiliation of having to physically hold it, rolled-up, onstage, 336

sports metaphors
	running, 27, 204
	softball, 32
	basketball, 41
	dog racing, 70
	hunting, 344

Stevens, Ted
	road trip with, 89

Stone, Oliver
	refusal to shake hands with, 313

tax cuts, benefits of, 46

	Obama palling around with, 306
		regret over inability to talk more about, 307

"Trig Truthers," 238, 347

Troopergate, 201-204, 246
	Failure of press to comprehend, 203

turkey, on-camera killing of, 345

upbringing, hardscrabbleness of,
	sewed own clothes, 16
	baked own bread, 17
	stacked own firewood, 17
	unheated, unfurnished family room, 26
	didn't ask for money from parents, 32

"up-do," explanation of, 231

Wallace, Nicolle
	disloyalty of, 256
	incompetence of, 256
	friendship with Katie Couric, 272

	disdain for cost of, 230
	$150,000 price of, 314
	unfair media reaction to, 315
	absence of Palin responsibility for, 317

Warren, Rick
	praying in the shower with, 302

Wasilla, notable nicknames for
	Home of the Iditarod, 64
	Duct Tape Capital of the World, 66

	simple city hall-style of, 49
	food served at (Wendy's), 49
	cost of wedding ring ($35), 230

Wurzelbacher, Joe "the Plumber," 304-7

"you betcha"
	revelation of as not actually Alaska's state motto, 309

Ya, I coulda put this in Politics, but that's best suited for politicians that matter.
wow, looks unrelentingly boring and vapid