Without giving any spoilers, is Star Wars 8 worth fighting the crowds?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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I'm trying to avoid spoilers best I can. My wife is really under the weather so we haven't seen it yet and won't for probably a week at best. I'm just wondering if it is really worth fighting the crowds next week, or see something at the tail end of it's run while in the theater like The Shape Of Water, which I really want to see in theater.

The grumblings I've heard about Star Wars 8 is that it isn't really that good of a movie. Anyone here see it and confirm or deny this, without spoilers?
I'm in the same position. I was going to watch it in the cinema last week but to be honest i just couldn't be bothered. I just wasn't in the mood for watching a movie. Actually i think the new movies are better than the original ones so maybe the people who tell you the movie isn't very good are the people who grew up with the original movies?

There is a youtube channel i have been watching. I'm not a big star wars fan but this channel is well worth a watch because the fan theories are just fantastic:

Haha! I'm glad I waited. It seems "critics" are paid shills once again. While critics give it a 91%, fans are giving it just 52% which is much lower than even the prequels.

Angry Star Wars Fans Petition to Have Rotten Tomatoes Shut Down


Angry Star Wars fans petition for The Last Jedi to be removed from canon and remade

I may just wait for the digital release instead of paying insane movie theater prices.
I'm not personally feeling any excitement over this movie but I skipped most everything after the first 3. Saw the first one of this last series. It was ... OK. The new characters aren't really hooking me. The latest trailer looks a bit "Harry Potter". I'm probably just too old for this.
I haven't been a fan of 99% of the Star Wars stuff made after 1981. Ep 1, 2, and 3 were crap pandering to kids along the same lines as replacing the guns in E.T. with walkie-talkies. Put a bullet in Jar Jar Bink's head and maybe...

The last movie Episode 7, what was it called? Rogue One was about a whiny jewish kid with daddy issues and was horrible writing all around. This movie, I actually expected to be just as horrible but went to see it to try and cheer up a friend who's a huge SW-nerd.

So, I can't speak for the Star Wars "canon". I can't sit and pick apart all the ways that it differs from some unreadable book. I can't really point to anything about it that I actually hated (unlike the last one)... I just found it to be a very, very (overly) long but enjoyable movie to watch. The one thing I can say in a non-spoilerish way is that I'm glad they didn't go out of their way to completely rewrite the movie just to accommodate Carrie Fisher's passing like I figured they would...

The Women Who Run the ‘Star Wars’ Universe

Ms. Hart’s first move was to make the story group entirely female, starting with Rayne Roberts and Carrie Beck.

They wanted to tell beautiful stories, fulfill the expectations of loyal fans and create meaningful female characters.

In addition to maintaining the continuity of the “Star Wars” universe, they aim to increase its diversity.

While writing “The Last Jedi,” the writer-director Rian Johnson moved to San Francisco, spending three months working closely with the story group to develop ideas for the film. Ms. Hart credits Mr. Johnson with the decision to introduce diverse characters for “The Last Jedi.” Of the new cast members, several are women, including Rose Tico, played by Kelly Marie Tran, the first Asian-American women to star in the saga.
Well, I happened to see it over the holiday with some friends. I've never been that much of a Star Wars fan. Sure, I liked the original 3 well enough when I was a kid... But I never held them in that crazy coveted place some do.

I think I've seen most of the others at some point or another, but didn't really think any of them were that great. I've never read a Star Wars book in my life. Never got into any of the spin-offs, or whatever. So, take all that for what it's worth.

Honestly, I thought Last Jedi was the best Star Wars I've seen since the 80's. It's definitely not a movie without flaws. There are huge, glaring, nearly confusion causing flaws. Especially with character motivations for the whiny scarface kid, whose name I can't remember or possibly never bothered to learn. And I totally agree with Wayne that it is ponderously long. All to fit in all the things that seemingly every Star Wars movie must have. Like ships flying through trenches, pointless outposts with overly happy and rowdy aliens, holographic projections, ghosts, and, of course, vaguely annoying small furry creatures. At least, like the originals, the annoying small furry creatures have no real part in the story and can be ignored. (Unlike Jar-Jar...) And, I agree with Fluffy, that the new characters haven't really grabbed me in. The villain scarface, and maybe Rose, are the only ones that poorly acted, though. Rei (Rey, Ray?) even borders on good. And, truth be told, the old characters real grab for me might just be nostalgia. So I might not be being entirely fair.

It's difficult to get into much more without spoilers. But I did think it was an interesting story, and a genuinely different story than any I remember in Star Wars. I'm sure there's a lot worse things you could battle crowds and spend too much money to see.
Finally got around to seeing this at the weekend.

I thought it was utter nonsense but enjoyable all the same.

Much like the last one.
I think the video, at least the first half, sums it up nicely. Very heavy-handed PC crap, but a good-time-to-watch story...

Love the "Lt. General Genderstudies", "Emo Solo", "Token", and "Diversity-Hire" nicknames. Very spot on.
So i just saw the new movie yesterday and i have mixed thoughts on it. I'm guessing anyone reading this has already seen it so i'm not going to worry about spoilers. I thought it was too long and i thought i would have been a better movie without Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher. When you see these two next to actual actors it is clear neither can act. The part with casino i never watched because i went to the toilet. But i thought the scenes with Rey and Ren are really interesting. But this gets let down by Mark and Carrie constantly walking onto the screen. I am going to download the chauvinist cut/edit so hopefully all the boring bits are taken out. But overall, although flawed, i liked it.
I finally watched Star Wars Last Jedi. Ouch... OUCH......


Public - "Nothing in Star Wars canon could ever possibly suck as bad as the 1978 Holiday Special!"

Disney - "Hold my beer"

They actually made that "movie"? It was a chore to sit through. What a mess. I wouldn't even know where to start.

I see it has gotten even worse of a spread now as people like me finally watch it at home.


George Lucas must be spinning in his grave. After all the shit he got for the prequels and the character Jar Jar Binks? Those films look like absolute masterpieces in comparison.
It's definitely not a movie without flaws. There are huge, glaring, nearly confusion causing flaws.

Those flaws were too big for me to ignore. Either a movie sucks you in to the point that you suspend reality while watching, or you sit there throughout seeing each and every flaw. I sat through it in total disbelief not able to get into it at all. I couldn't shake the feeling this "movie" was nothing more than one poorly acted SNL skit after another. I could also probably count on one hand the number of scenes that the visuals looked good. Overall I was stunned how terrible the CGI was.
Yeah, it was pretty bad. I'm sorry to say it but The Phantom Menace was a better movie than this new one.
Yeah, it was pretty bad. I'm sorry to say it but The Phantom Menace was a better movie than this new one.

… Well, let's not get carried away, here. The Phantom Menace was pretty terrible, all around. It took all the annoying and inane things about Star Wars, and brought them front and center. It featured the most annoying character ever (who survived), while it killed off their best character and their most useful villain that could have made movies 2 and 3 worth seeing. That's a pretty damning recap. Although, to be fair, it did have a few scenes worth seeing. And Liam Neeson's Qui-Gon was outstanding, even though they pointlessly killed him off.

Whereas Last Jedi was only a garden variety trainwreck. It had a confusing edit, poorly defined motives, a bunch of pointless drivel, the most annoying purple hair ever, and emo scarface. But it had a solitary Luke and ghost Yoda inspecting their own roles in the cycle of violence and death in the light vs dark, and pondering how to make a true change. That moment felt like actual progress for the series. Or at least closure to the story of Luke Skywalker. The last character left that I cared about.
… Well, let's not get carried away, here. The Phantom Menace was pretty terrible, all around.

I actually agree with Kesa entirely. I have to digest the trainwreck I just endured last night a little longer before making a definitive statement on the subject, but it may very well be worse than even the 1978 Holiday Special shown on TV. I'd say all 3 prequels are far superior to Last Jedi. Yes I know that's a bold statement, but Last Jedi is simply that bad. It's certainly on the same level as the infamous Holiday Special. I won't give it cheap bonus points for having a bigger budget and tons of terrible CGI.

This rant is good, though probably NSFW. I agree that people will start begging for Lucas back.

like The Shape Of Water, which I really want to see in theater.

I guess I should mention that I finally saw Shape Of Water at home about a month ago. I was pretty disappointed. It started off promising enough and the ambiance of the film is good, but by about half way through it just started getting increasing ridiculous. The last act was cringe. Guillermo Del Toro may be washed up. I'd give it somewhere around D+ territory.