That means the total population is down to what, 30% of total population of the Catholic church is on birth control.
Our numbers are answering two different questions. You're trying to track only those that have used birth control in close proximity to today. What I'm stating is the percentage of Catholics who have partaken in birth control at any point during their life. FOR EXAMPLE: You don't count Grandma in her 80s because she's too old to be bothered with that stuff. I count that Grandma because 60 years ago when first married her and her husband used some types of birth control because they didn't want to chance a baby immediately.
So when the question is posed what % of Catholics have used some form of birth control at some point during their life indeed the answer is the vast majority. Which according to their church is against doctrine.
Please, they would be spinning in their collective graves on what Obama and his administration is attempting to do. They set up a government system that was limited in it's nature and clearly wanted the US Government not to dictate to the Churches on what the Churches find morally objectionable to.
I disagree. The Founders realized that the Churches were dissimilar organizations and no one religion was to win the control of the nation. When we let Catholics dicatate law that we who are not Catholic must follow their morals in the written law of the US that is indeed the Church surplanting the state as the supreme power over our lives. T
Religion (which they did not specify) is a key to the whole US Constitution. Without believing in the Creator, the US Constitution is meaningless piece of paper.
There's no reference to a Creator in the US Constitution. Perhaps you're thinking of the Declaration of Independence. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" -- in this sense it's the Creator gives men the rights to rule themselves. The Creator in the Declaration doesn't demand men rule by the Creator's law.
Problem is this is not what we are talking about. What we are talking about is forcing a religion to enter into a third party contract in which that contract violates their religious beliefs. That power was never granted to the executive branch.
First it's not only the Executive Branch it's the Courts who made their rulings nearly a decade ago. Second we demand religions follow our laws all the times. Certainly Satanists don't get free reign to kill whomever they want nor Mormons to marry more than 1 wife.
Banning any insurance policy from covering male circumcisions? Where does the hatred of religion by the Progressive bureaocrats stop at?
I agree that circumcision is an unnecessary medical procedure and since we're covering valid medicinal procedures it should be exempt. So if your religion wants to cut the tip of your dick off there's no medical benefit to this and thus it should be exempt from medical coverage.
As for hatred of religions it's the opposite. What Catholics want should not be mandated into law. There are many other Christian religions where birth control is perfectly acceptable. And it's a medical benefit to use protection in sexual practices. Read up on the spread of AIDS due to Catholic mandated practices in Africa. My question to you is since you want Catholics to dictate law to you what other faiths are acceptable? Will your wife wear a fashionable Hijab because a different church is demanding that for every woman too.
want to insult those who follow a given religion, force more dictates on them, it'll do you so well in the next election.
Then hurrah for your side!
Though if the polls are any indication you are wrong. The Catholics polled on this even the majority are backing Obama. Which really is no surprise as the majority of them have used birth control in their lifetimes. "A poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that support among Catholics at 58 percent, slightly higher than that of the overall public overall at 55 percent. "