2 parents are the best

Although I have no problems with lesbian mothers, as a scientist I'd be curious to see if the elevated test scores could be attributed to the mothers hand picking the "seed" they were artificially inseminated with. If they all managed to find sperm from males with well above average IQ (or other standard), that might explain the test scores. It may also argue the case for genetic engineering.

But aside from that, the study shows that no harm comes from such parenting, so that's good.
National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study
University of California, San Francisco

Glaucus said:
But aside from that, the study shows that no harm comes from such parenting, so that's good.
That's exactly the point. Those who cry harm to the children of homosexuals are simply wrong.

I'd still argue that each situation is independent. Living in a 2 parent home in fear of abuse is likely worse than a 1 parent home w/ love.

Now, to test those homes with 3 or 4 parents. If two loving parents is good perhaps twice as much love with 4 parents would be even better. (Conservatives reading this I apologize for melting part of your brain. Mostly this was humor. It is a scientifically untested question AFAIK.)
Frankly, I think growing up with parent(s) AND grandparents is the best for children.