saxmanchiro (16 hours ago)
As a science teacher, I was thrilled to see this cartoon. If an administrator were to walk in and ask me to do? this, I would need three yrs of all day lecturing to cover a fraction of the different 'stories' or myths out there. Fortunately, science doesn't allow opinion or bias into it's methods. I prefer the truth. If you want to see comedy, just visit my classroom any day of the week. I teach in the Southern USA and wow, it's brutal to witness the brainwashing the kids have endured.
anwyll (16 hours ago)
doesn't sound like comedy... sounds like? tragedy
saxmanchiro (16 hours ago)
Tragedy is the right word? to use for this. The rest of the civilized world that has high science standards laughs at the USA. I guess for them, this is crazy funny stuff.
MWcrazyhorse (15 hours ago)
dude we don't laugh at the U.S. we laugh about the? rednecks in the U.S and are mildy worried about the neocon war mongerers (Bush/ Palin) that seem to be carried by the christian vote.
saxmanchiro (15 hours ago)
Thank goodness, everytime ID or it's? older cousin, Creationism, lifts it's ugly head, it quickly gets smashed. The sad part is that it is happening at all. You would think the Dover trial would have put a stop to these folks pushing us backwards.
As to the rednecks, I live among them and I am more than mildly worried. They genuinely scare me with their ignorance. And they can organize a sizable voting block that ushers in stupidity like Palin or Bushies.