3 days of 'ObamaCare'.


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Aug 25, 2005
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The Supreme Court has set aside the longest time in nearly 50 years to hear about the new Healthcare Legislation. First day will discuss the legality of tackling an issue prior to the full enforcement of the new law. Historically laws are discussed after they are imposed upon citizens and the effects are documented. Second day will discuss the legality of Government mandating Citizens to buy Healthcare. The Third day will discuss if mandated Healthcare is illegal what other mandates must therefore be illegal too.

Outcome will likely be late June/July just in time for the Presidential Election. The Supreme Court has lots of options here. Support it all, support pieces and throw out pieces, or throw it all out. The Supreme Court also, noteably, has been Conservative dominated since the 80s.
90's yes, 80's no.

If conservative judges dominated on the bench for the next 40 years, they would be getting close to the length of time it was dominated by liberals. Don't take my word for it, read it for yourself.


In other news today

The Obama lawyers were arguing to the SC that Obamacare was in fact a tax, and as such, the Anti-Injunction Act of 1876 should apply. If it were to apply, the SCOTUS would be barred from making any ruling on Obamacare till 2015.

The Anti-Injunction Act basically says you have no standing to challenge a tax in court until after you have paid it, thus delaying any ruling by the SCOTUS by two years after the election.

Didn't Obama once claim that it wasn't a tax?

The Justices, liberal and conservative alike, said piss on that argument. One down, and more to come.