A Religious Right to be Anti-Gay? Kansas Advances It

We saw this same sort of behavior when religion tried to maintain their anti-women stance, their anti-black stance, and their anti-interracial marriage stance. I don't expect the bigots to roll over this time.

The thing I find most amusing is my gay friends talk nothing about marriage. I see the bigoted conservatives as being the ones who are trying to 'protect marriage'. I see their tactic as likely to backfire on them. For example, in Minnesota the first, first, thing the Republicans did in the State was try to push the protection of marriage to the next ballot as a issue the voters could vote on directly. Because the bigots felt the current legislation doesn't go far enough and their hate should be mandated in the State Constitution. It's too bad the Democratic Gov voted it down and the Republicans didn't have enough veto power. As the issue is trending about 65% opposed it'd be interesting to see the more liberal turn out to vote against the divisiness of the right-wing.
so being a bigot is now guaranteed in the Constitution?