Anyone here journal? (aka "keep a diary")


Active Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Good morning!

Over the years, I've been trying to "blog" online, usually without any constant success. It's not that I don't have much to say, I just don't want to say most of it publicly...

I've also never really been a big fan of what my parents would call "keeping a diary", because, well, when I was a kid, I was always afraid that no matter how private it was, they (and/or my little sister) would break into my room and read it...

That being said, a couple of months ago before I went into the hospital, I decided it was probably a good idea to write about everything I experienced along the way but again, publicly wasn't what I wanted...

Serendipitously, I stumbled across an app called "Day One" which sits on my local hard drive, is relatively secure, and also offers secure versions for both my iPad and iPhone which allows me to really keep track of things and ideas in a very "blog-like" fashion...

I have no idea why I'm telling you this, except that I'm surprised I haven't missed writing stuff down except for three days since mid-March, and I was wondering if any of you actually do the same type thing, or am I just some pathetic weirdo?

Thought about it, but like you didn't want the risk of it becoming public, so I just keep it in my head and curse the fact that I can't recall what I want when I need to...
I used to journal. I tended to do it more when I was emotionally distressed so there is an inbuilt bias towards the bleak. Journalling was more a way of working out feelings rather than recording events. I still have the journals and like some of the writing though I don't think it's really a work for public (or even anyone other than me) consumption.
Oh no. Absolutely not. Public is the very opposite of what I'm talking about. If I wanted public, I could just blog the silly crap. For me though, it allows me to "get out" thoughts that I want to retain, but don't want to share.

I kinda kept a journal of my dreams for a while. It's fun to read them the next day and be surprised at the crazy stuff you dreamed and forgot about already.