Anyone wanna help me play?


Active Member
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
Greetings soul sucka's...

For months now, I've been trying to find a way to move this site at least forward an inch or two. Pretty much the only option seemed to be VBulletin 4.x, but I refuse to pay $285 for a copy to experiment on.

To that end, I did find a suitable alternative that I might like very much, and would appreciate some help and time testing it out and offering opinions please?

Hit up (note the missing last "s") to get to a default install of Xenforo. I'm trying to find some themes to start from, but Xenforo is essentially a completely new forum from the developers who originally wrote VB before it got bought out, trashed, and called version 4.x...

Looks really good, but I'd love your opinions. Noting of course that no, it won't work with antiquated browsers. :)

The light blue and white color should change to another color because it too close to facebook theme. I am impress with the new forums.
cybereye said:
The light blue and white color should change to another color because it too close to facebook theme. I am impress with the new forums.
I'm not quite sure what light blue and white color we're talking about. The theme I set as default should currently have a black header.

Some notes.

1) I'm evaluating the software really, for a vBulletin replacement for both whyzzat and other projects. The price is 1/2 of vBulletin and aside from the add-ons like the gallery (which will come), I'm so far fairly impressed by the features of the system.

2) The "play site" you see doesn't have any of the current data on purpose. No sense in going that route until I decide what to do, and it may be simpler to just use the new software on a new site rather than upgrading. Besides, I wanted you all to see what the whole site looks like through the point of registration to get a feel for it.

3) Nothing there is concrete. Things will change as I figure them out.

4) The theme you see SHOULD be "Flexile". On the Bottom left of the home page, you should see a link which says either "Flexile" or "Theme Chooser" or somesuch in the footer bar. Switch to Flexile if it doesn't already say "Flexile" on it, but it should be set as the default theme.

5) I feel oogy this morning. Excuse me while I ralph.

Wayne said:
cybereye said:
The light blue and white color should change to another color because it too close to facebook theme. I am impress with the new forums.
I'm not quite sure what light blue and white color we're talking about. The theme I set as default should currently have a black header.

you can change your board theme.

it's in your User Control Panel
Board Preferences
My board style:
Confirmation email not working here.
Takes me to a 404.
Robert said:
Confirmation email not working here.
Takes me to a 404.
Thanks, but a little more specific please?

update: ah. nevermind. That problem WILL go away once we go live, but for now cut and paste the URL and after, add /forum

Is the login broken or timeout that quick when uncheck "Stay logged in."?
cybereye said:
Is the login broken or timeout that quick when uncheck "Stay logged in."?

The login is working just fine. If you don't check "stay logged in", your session and cookie end when you leave the site. That's the way it's supposed to work (it's a security thing). It should keep you logged in as long as you're going between pages on the site once you've logged in, but honestly, I haven't really looked at the code yet.

I guess, since we're being terse here about reporting issues, my question has to be How quick is "quick"?

I've posted the new color scheme over here. Used colorschemer for the mac to come up with a base (the header bg color), then it auto-selects 35 coordinated colors. VERY cool utility.

PLEASE let me know what you think BEFORE we go live (hopefully next week)?

Wayne said:
I've posted the new color scheme over here. Used colorschemer for the mac to come up with a base (the header bg color), then it auto-selects 35 coordinated colors. VERY cool utility.

PLEASE let me know what you think BEFORE we go live (hopefully next week)?


Sure, OK. But no database migration? Hmmm. What will happen to all our time capsules for our great-grand-kids?

Any chance of a zip?
Wayne said:
cybereye said:
Is the login broken or timeout that quick when uncheck "Stay logged in."?

The login is working just fine. If you don't check "stay logged in", your session and cookie end when you leave the site. That's the way it's supposed to work (it's a security thing). It should keep you logged in as long as you're going between pages on the site once you've logged in, but honestly, I haven't really looked at the code yet.

I guess, since we're being terse here about reporting issues, my question has to be How quick is "quick"?

It is not doing it anymore. Did you find the problem? If not then I guess it on my end that may have cause the problem.
FluffyMcDeath said:
Sure, OK. But no database migration? Hmmm. What will happen to all our time capsules for our great-grand-kids?

Any chance of a zip?

There will be a data migration. That, in fact, is what is taking so long.

If the native converter for Xenforo were done/built, we'd already be using the new site, but what I have to do (or pay someone else to do) is to take the current site's db, then use vBulletin to import the data to vB format, then use Xenforo to import the vB formatted data into Xenforo format for use with the new site. Another alternative is to pay Karlos, but he seems to be busy or distracted right now.

Anyway, I should be able to save the posts/threads/content. Won't move to Xenforo without the years of content.

The only two reported known problems are;

1) Since Xenforo and PHPBB use different password algorithms, everyone will need to go through and reset their password via the "lost password" thing. While I technically could reset everyone to "temppassword", that'd be a bad idea.

2) It seems that converting avatars to the new system is about a 60% success according to those brave souls who've gone before me.

The other option would be to delay until a PHPBB 3 converter for Xenforo is released, but honestly, that might be months or more.

cybereye said:
It is not doing it anymore. Did you find the problem? If not then I guess it on my end that may have cause the problem.

Cool beans. Good to know. Not sure what -- or if -- I might have done to fix it.
I get an error on a page.
This is how I got an error. click on Home/Customize This Page/ and change things around and I save the setting. I get an error on home link I click on. This is what the error says "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."