Anyone watching Google Flu Trends?


Active Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Apparently it's just as accurate as the CDC but doesn't lag behind by two weeks. And if it's really as accurate as they say, we're in the middle the biggest flu season in decades (at least in North America). You may want to be sure to wash your hands, etc.

Last week my sister actually warned me to keep Sophia out of the malls. It seems they've had a sharp spike in respiratory illnesses in kids lately. And it's not just the flu, there's a non-flu virus going around that's quite nasty. Hope it passes quickly.
No UK listing? Nor Africa, Asia or China?
Or am I reading it wrong?
I think I'm reading the same thing
There was a Flu Report on the radio a couple of days ago. Current trends are that this will be one of the heaviest Flu years. It started earlier than normal and is impacting a heavier than average headcount. Depending on the spring it might be a record breaker.

In testing the types of flu in people what the CDC and the State of MN found is this year's Flu Shot covers about 97% of the types of Flu they're seeing. If you or your love one's are in the High Risk category I'd encourage you to get a Flu Shot. It improves your odds to better than 50/50, but it's the best item we have to improve your odds.

In a related story my renter has new baby as the Thursday after Christmas. Well, Dad brought home the flu and the new boy spent 2 days in the hospital with the flu. No fun! The good news is the baby appears to be fine and the scare is over. Dehydration can set in quickly in young kids and old adults.
Ya, I took this years flu shot, but Lisa forgot to ask for it when she saw the Dr about a month ago. I'm thinking we should book an apt just for the shot. Sophia is still too young for it.

Of course my sister always drives it home for me. Her unit is full of young babies with respiratory illnesses (mostly flu) and they don't all make it.
On the plus side, it seems that it has peaked. The downside is that it's still far worse than it's been in years.

Btw, I read that Slate article a while back. It's good but I have a good feeling that it's not likely to convince the skeptics. I think part of the problem with the flu vaccine is that those who benefit the most are those who either don't take the vaccine or are less likely to benefit from it. Babies for instance either can't take it or the vaccine has limited effect. Babies would be best protect by herd immunity, but unfortunately for them, the herd is made up of a bunch of brainwashed imbeciles who think they're outsmarting a corporate conspiracy.

And people are stupid. We planned a get together this weekend with friends and family. One of our invited friends had a 1 year old with bronchitis. She called us hours before the event to inform us that they got out of the hospital with their still infected daughter sooner then they had expected and were gonna bring her over, presumably to spread the disease. We had to tell her to stay home and keep her germs to herself. Not sure why we need to have to do that. It seems to be that people are so stupid they really need the vaccine, and yet, because they are so stupid they choose not to. :rolleyes:
well, fortunately for your daughter her dad is not a dummy
It was wrong about the magnitude, but it still got the early onset of the flu season right. Still, a useful tool that will likely get more accurate.