Autism; cuz ya mama's too fat

i read this... pretty thorough study... i am not surprised by the results but question whether "condition of the mother" is not affected by the known neurotoxins in garden pesticides, for example, is accurately or fairly represented...
I see the study as too small. Only 500? Though enough information that should warrant more studies in those directions. First we need to generate the group of likely candidates for autistic children. Then we need further research into WHY is this group particularily worse. It could be neurotoxins as Robert mentions or various other health related problems. And as autism is a spectrum whose diagnosis improves with time we need to determine the condition of the parents. Are they themselves low grade autistics? If so are they strengthening their 'bad' genes by breeding with other low grade autistics?

Still lots of questions to be answered. Though noteably - vaccines - has been studied so thoroughly that it's probably as debunked as it'll ever get. That is a bit sad. The false early work put the focus of blame on 1 particular condition. The result is we spend tons of money studying a false cause. Had the lies not been forth early on perhaps some of that money would have been spent on other probable causes and we'd be farther along on understanding why or perhaps farther along on enhanced treatments. IMO the anti-vaccers have blame in slowing down the true understanding of this disease.