Baby dies due to religion

If G-d thinks it's good to cut bits off of little boys then obviously it's good if the guy that cuts them sucks on their noodle and therefore it is also fine with G-d if they get an infection and die. This we know because G-d has given man morals - especially religious men so they know best.
a grown man mouthing the genetalia of small boys is okay, but birth control to college girls offends my sensibilities? gawd!!! i sooooooooooooooo need an island..... :madashell:
If we have a boy, no sharp objects coming anywhere near his private parts. And I plan to back that up with some fists if I have to (not that I expect I'll need to, but just thought I'd over-dramatize it because that's what parents do, isn't it? ;)).

Circumcision in general is barbaric, but orally sucking out the wound? That should clearly be illegal for a number of reasons. :eek:
If we have a boy, no sharp objects coming anywhere near his private parts. And I plan to back that up with some fists if I have to (not that I expect I'll need to, but just thought I'd over-dramatize it because that's what parents do, isn't it? ;)).

Circumcision in general is barbaric, but orally sucking out the wound? That should clearly be illegal for a number of reasons. :eek:
My thoughts exactly.
Circumcision in general is barbaric, but orally sucking out the wound? That should clearly be illegal for a number of reasons. :eek:
There is no proven medical advantage to this procedure. It should be illegal to do to infants. Now if people want to be circumcised I'm all for them opting in. Just as they opt into getting ears pierced, tatoos, or branded.