Where are these mythical cheaper options?
There are two ways the Gov can provide healthcare. Either at a Federal Level buying cooperative or a State Level buying cooperative. May of the Republican run States appear to be not wanting to build the State Level. So what's the result?
Let's back up just a bit.... The way Healthcare Insurance Agencies provide insurance is their actuaries build probability and thereby rate tables for the size of the business wanting to buy healthcare. So, what we see is the self employed single person business has insurance rates that are hellishly expensive. And especially if they're older or have a special condition such as birthed handicapped children. .... Likewise if we look at 1 person who is an employee of a large business with a large employee base that has healthcare the rates are much, much less expensive.
Now that we reviewed how rates are set what happens at the State and Federal Level Cooperatives? They enable small businesses to join into the buying cooperative. The results are going to be they are part of a much larger base and their rates will be decreased accordingly, because they're not singled out. And when we're talking Federal level that the Republican run States are forcing people to use, due to lack of State program, the rates should be even better because the headcounts are going to huger.
Now let's say you don't get actuaries probability tables and how Healthcare rate establishment has worked for the last few decades... I think you do understand the economic law of supply and demand. So let's assume this your way. The Federal and State Cooperatives are hellishly expensive. Nothing in the law mandates the use of those programs. Businesses can then buy the cheaper private company provided programs. Those expensive cooperatives will die out, strangled by their own expensive economics.
Back to Michelle Bachmann's comment. There will be people who lose their Company provided healthcare, they can, and more often, will be picked up in the State/Federal Cooperatives. Additionally, the ACA is projected to cover about 32Million of the current 47Million uninsured. If we cover more people Obamacare is helping people live better lives. Not kill them as Backmann wants you to believe. It's actually those 47Million uncovered by healthcare that are the greatest at risk in our society. Additionally, we see about 62% of bankruptcies coming from insufficient healthcare coverage. Hopefully, those will be improved as well.
The long and short of it Bachmann is bullshitting us again. Simply one more of her long line of lies. The cheaper options are mandated in 2014. They're under construction this year.