Candidate Match Game

I got Jon Huntsman - no real surprise as I consider him the best of the Repub options.
Best I could get is 6/11 is Rick Perry (yeah right, Mr NWO, no thank you). Both 2nd and 3rd place was tied with 4/11 is Bachmann and Santorum. Might be the reason I'm no longer really caring that much about the next election, the feeling of doom is hard to shake off.
I got Jon Huntsman - no real surprise as I consider him the best of the Repub options.
As far as I can see he's working for Romney. It seems that his campaign put out an ad attacking him and blamed the ad on Ron Paul - now he's defending Romney against Newt's "Bain Capital" ads. He's the under-mormon helping out the top mormon, and splitting some votes away from the challengers.

I wasn't too happy about evangelicals being in the House but Mormons are a pretty peculiar bunch themselves. Time to get your magic undergarments on.
Fluffy, just because Republicans won the House big in 2010 doesn't mean that they're all evangelicals. That's just your way of putting down conservatives. What is really going to hack you off, will be the losses the socialists will take on the 2012 Senate side.

For you, no matter who wins the presidency, as far as the 2012 US races go, you are not going to be a happy camper. Prepare yourself. For all the difference it will make, you can start your whining now!
Tbh given the near total concession to Republican demands by the current crop of democrats, I can't honestly see that it'll make much difference.

And whilst the repubs aren't all evangelicals, there are enough of them, apparently with enough clout, within the party that should make any sane person a little concerned about the future regardless of their party of choice.

Still, a handmaids tale was a good book.
Ron Paul #1 with 6/11 here .
Ron Paul has two big issues. The first is the non-seperation of church and state. America was founded out of the ideals of the Enlightenment period. It's fairly clear the Founders did not intend for us to go back into the Dark Ages. The second is the idea that we have to turn the laws back to the Founding. I care not to see child labor, increases in pollution and a return to hazardous workplaces, for one example. (Even if 13 year olds have cornered the iPhone manufacturing market.) That would bring the nation into direct competition with the 3rd world.

He's a good guy and has a few good ideas but netted he's a bucket of crazy.
Ron Paul has two big issues. The first is the non-seperation of church and state.
That's a pretty common mantra in the Republican party. Think the Mormons are any better just because they don't talk about it? Think Dubya didn't want to see more churchin' in the gubmint? I think you can be pretty sure that the Jews won't allow it. The Muslims wouldn't want to see a government endorsed Christian church either, most likely, but the just don't have the money and political organization that the Jewish groups do. The atheists would have something to say about it too and they are becoming better organized and funded too.

The second is the idea that we have to turn the laws back to the Founding. I care not to see child labor, increases in pollution and a return to hazardous workplaces, for one example.

Nobody wants that and the guys at the top don't want to see the crowds swell in Zuccotti park either. That's why they are bringing increases in pollution and child labour and hazardous workplaces in slowly - but those things are already happening and now.
He's a good guy and has a few good ideas but netted he's a bucket of crazy.
I hear that a lot from "analysts" (opinion makers) but I don't get that when I look at Paul.
I got Jon Huntsman - no real surprise as I consider him the best of the Repub options.

Jon Huntsman seems to be out of the race. In a move that does nothing to dispel the suspicion I had that he was Romney's wing man all along he is throwing his support to Mitt.

Meantime Mitt "Dog on the Car Roof" Romney (I thought the bigger scandal would be that he went to Canada) is buddying up with some real bastards like John Bolton, the US thug to the UN.

At least there are a number of people still out trying to make a headwind for Mitt.
MSM is back to ignoring Ron Paul. I guess the smear campaigns failed?

Funny. CNN today sent me an instant news update telling me that Ron Paul polled equally with Obama in popularity.
@Glaucus - The United States has statistically slightly more Democratic voters than Republican voters. In the end, like most elections, the victor will go to those wishy-washy in the middle that don't understand the differences of the two.
Well, the Banks like Mitt. That's positive too, right?

Typical, the Elites back their candidates in both parties. They do not like to lose, regardless which party wins. There was at one time when the GOP was THE Progressive Party. Elites have long payed both parties to do their will. It's those damn Tea Party people that are giving the elites fits and if you look at the key Progressives in both parties, they will attack the Tea Party as extremist and radicals in attempt to marginalize their grass roots movement which is the opposite of what the Elites plans are. Mitt, Newt, Perry, Huntsman, and now appears Paul all have the same group of Masters.
Your buddy, Soros.
So you are solidly in the "Ron Paul is a Soros stooge working to get Obama reelected" camp, are you?

You think that Soros is backing Paul with just enough money to let him mess with the Republican process but not enough to actually make a difference to who the Republican establishment will force through eventually so that Mitt Romney can win against Obama? Really? And Soros is funneling money to Ron Paul's campaign through active service military personnel (because that's where most of it comes from)?

What have you got? Ron Paul used information from a somehow Soros backed organization that found Santorum to be one of the most corrupt characters on the hill? He is. Who cares if Soros said it or someone else? Santorum is a whore - big surprise. But Ron Paul isn't and his record over 30 years or more shows it. He's not bought.

Ron Paul says that military spending is too big and it has wasted trillions and is pushing the country into insolvency and the US needs to concentrate on defense instead of empire because a strong defense is cheaper and better than an overstretched empire run by a bankrupt nation and that happens to be a pretty wise observation but you think that makes Ron Paul a Soros mole to undermine America because Barney Frank agrees with that assessment?