Capitalism at work.


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Aug 25, 2005
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Ever wonder why?

Watch this vid, and see if you are smart enough to figure out why the Dems and Faethor have it wrong.

From March, 60 Minutes.
Fade this problem isn't new. In Dec 16 1773, some guys dressed as Indians tossed foreign Tea into Boston Harbor because foreign companies were given the tax advantage. The 60 Minutes article highlights these same problems today.

Companies that do business in the United States should be paying the appropriate taxes. Taxes are the price of our society. And if our Tax code is giving foreign companies the advantage that's anti-American. Further more it's anti-American for American companies to construct a mailbox on a foreign land and claim they are HQed there to avoid taxes. I'd even venture far enough to call it treason.

Clearly we need to change our tax codes such that advantages within the USA go to USA based companies. If a foreign company doesn't like the terms they can stay out. And that's very American, afterall it was the policies when this nation was founded to give the locals the advantage. We need to get back there.

Which is the problem with the Tea Party, they don't get the lesson they stole their name from.

Why are we in a Budget Deficit? It's clear - in the last decade our military expenenses has tripled. The USA pays about 40% of all military spending in the world. Federal taxes collectioned are at their lowest levels in 50 years. My vote - pre-Bush levels on both spending and taxes.

The Dems problem? I'd say the Dems problem is they are failing to stick to liberal financial principles and instead appear to be Republican light. For example, one of the largest reductions in taxes came under Obama.
Ever wonder why?

Nothing from 60 minutes invalidates that cartoon. Only people who work, make things. No-one ever made $40 billion from their own labour. Of course, that doesn't mean that the guy who put the deals together shouldn't gain some profit from it, rather that he should have perspective and the appropriate humility. Workers really do pay a tax to their employers because they are never paid for as much as they produce. Some of the profit from their labour must be skimmed off to pay the people who supervise them and tell them to work harder. There isn't a lot of difference between a government bureaucrat and a corporate bureaucrat (except that the government bureaucrat tends to make less money).