FluffyMcDeath said:
At least such cures do no harm - and by that I mean that they are not themselves causitive of death or disease.
IMO if you tell someone this water will cure their cancer and they don't seek treatment you are doing harm. If my friend tells me he's going to kill someone and I give him a weapon sure I didn't directly kill the victim.
If you want examples of A.M. which have killed people -- rebirthing is one, acupuncture is another.
In many cases they can be as effective as modern medicine because many diseases respond to placebo effects. Most "real" drugs benefit from placebo effects. New drugs work better than the same drugs a few years later because people don't believe in old drugs as much as they believe in new drugs.
There's not just placebo effects from the treatment itself but also from the administrator of the treatment. Ideally a drug needs to have better than placebo effect in order to be sent out as a treatment for a disease. (Yes the system isn't prefect these are people afterall. But, far, far more drugs are effective at better than placebo effects than A.M.)
There is an implied harm if someone takes a placebo instead of a demonstrably better treatment but in a huge number of areas the "real" treatments are not DEMONSTRABLY better or are only marginally better but with potentially devastating side effects.
Examples please where water is better than treatment?
Each year more people are directly killed or in some way injured by pharmaceuticals than by homeopathic remedies.
This is but half the equation. Each year significantly more people are cured by pharmaceuticals than by homeopathic remedies, ZERO %.
Snake oil has been dressed up in science for more than a century now and that's on the medical as well as the alternative side of the fence. Very few people are willing to put their products to truly open and honest testing that could so negatively effect the bottom line.
I agree that better testing is always a benefit. Take a look at the open and honest testing of A.M. NONE has been found beneficial.
A good recent transcript to read is
Robert Wilson of the British Association of Homeopathic Manufacturers You have to love this line --
"Q1 Chairman: I wonder if I could start with you, Paul, this morning. You actually manufacture and sell homeopathic remedies. Do they work beyond the placebo effect, very briefly?
Mr Bennett: I have no evidence before me to suggest that they are efficacious, and we look very much for the evidence to support that, and so I am unable to give you a yes or no answer to that question."