Clean energy under Obama

Yup. They're being killed off. Oil will like that - keeps the price up.
...because only established energy sources that have been turning record profits for 20 yrs should get grants, subsidies and tax incentives... ;) just need metalman and fade to come spew some oil is goodness splooge and we'll have have all the opines of the "im for america with a white president against it when he's black" crew
Time and again, Republican elected officials acting on behalf of their masters in industry, promote policies that will make more money for the 1%. They like to tell the rest of us that the true secret to the 99% having jobs and low prices is to make the rich, richer. Their reasoning all too often smacks of nothing less than blackmail.
Yesterday, while appearing on CNN, the always effervescent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R. KY) told Candy Crowley that gas price would come down if the government simply lower taxes on the oil companies. Crowley asked McConnell if that was fair in light of the record profits the oil companies are making and the numerous subsidies and tax loopholes they already receive that cost the national treasury billions of dollars?
Like all good Republicans, McConnell was having none of that nonsense. He quickly chided Crowley for using “Democratic talking points.”

old mitch kinda let the cat out of the bag there... damn!
Big oil wouldn't kill them. Big oil would buy them. Besides, even if all vehicle fuel was converted away from oil, there would still be enough reason to keep pumping oil and it would still maintain a healthy price.
I just love these idiots who worship oil and REFUSE to see that it will be GONE eventually. they love their scum profits at the expense of everybody.