ya know what amazes me?
why do idiots on faux news talk about the 2nd amendment (always forgetting the 1st, of course)...blathering on about 'gun rights' but never talk about, say, 'car rights'? "The gov is going to take AWAY your rights to own a car!!!"
it's as if guns are 'special' like religion. Do they LIKE being irrational? I guess guns ARE a religion (to them).
cars require a paper trail, insurance, a license where you have to take a test (at least once) - and an eye test every time you renew the license. You have to be a certain age to drive. And in some places you can lose your license if you get too many DUI's. Frankly, I think THOSE laws should be WAAAAY more severe. But I have this VERY serious attitude about drunk driving.
But the point is that there's at least a node to being a responsible driver and owner of a car.
Why isn't there something similar with owning and using a gun?
As I've pointed out before, I personally
KNOW responsible gun owners and THEY act as I wish all gun owners would.
The issue is the media and how THEY talk about guns. It's not a right. It's a responsibility.
Back when the Founding Fathers added that 2nd amendment nearly everyone was trained to use guns properly. I think I can safely assume they were inferring that all gun users had to be Properly trained. Isn't that what "well regulated Militia" means?
am I crazy?
feh, I know this has been hashed around before but hearing that dick-head, hamity (hanity, whatever the heck his stupid name is) vomiting on about the 2nd amendment made me want to slap his fat face
I'm so glad I never watch the "news" on TV