Democrats pressing Pelosi to step aside


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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In a fresh sign of turmoil among defeated Democrats, a growing number of the rank and file say they won't support House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a politically symbolic roll call when the new Congress meets in January.

"The reality is that she is politically toxic," said Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley, one of several Democrats who are trying to pressure Pelosi to step aside as her party's leader in the wake of historic election losses to Republicans last week.

The tailspin continues.
Now that Polosi has been relegated to the back of the bus for poisoning the Democrat's well, is there a Republican out there that doesn't want her to remain as the leader of the hemlock society, and continue serving up the brew that the Democrats so richly deserve?

This is the first time I know of, when Republicans and the looney left want the same thing! :banana: :lol: :banana: :lol: :banana: :lol: