Democrats + Unions = Your life in danger


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Apr 2, 2005
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Broward bus driver still on the road after hitting 10 drivers in 12 years, numerous suspensions

In a region known for road rage, the way bus drivers handle their mega-ton vehicles is a matter of public angst. The Broward transit department's complaint logs are threaded with outrage from people sharing the roads with buses, with quite a few alleging that reckless bus drivers gave them "the finger'' after near-misses.

One woman last year complained that "the bus cut her off, causing her to merge into the other lane and [she] almost had an accident. She said she is 8 months pregnant and was terrified,'' the complaint log says.

Another woman complained a bus driver was "trying to use the bus as a weapon'' on the roads.
Personally I'd be more in favor of blaming the Union if the management had done their jobs. They could have fired the guy and fought the Union, if they tried to have him sustain his job. I think this article spells it out well - Broward has a looser policy than Miami-Dade or other surrounding areas. The Board should work to institute the lower accident thresholds of neighboring communities.