Economist predicts Obama win

This is the Obama "recovery"

Hmm... You can see from the graphs that the massive spike in 1+ yr unemployed hit in 2009, which means they were all laid off in 2008. The jump in "permanent layoffs" hit in 2007/2008, as well. Yup, that sounds like Obama's fault.

Granted, he hasn't done much to improve the situation, but it's pretty one-sided to blame him for it. A year ago I'd have said Obama's chance at re-election was 0%. But, after the GOP trying to force Mitt Romney or a frothy lube and fecal mix at us... Obama's chances seem improving. Not that I'd say this is a good thing. :(
If I were a cynic, I might be tempted to suggest that the reason the GOP allowed for the likes of Santorum, Romney, Grinch and Bachmann to throw their hats into the ring was precisely because outside of conservative fringe groups and in places where they have bought out the competition, the GOP knows that the majority of the public will baulk at such people.

Thus, when the economy turns, they can jump back into high gear and then use the fallout that Bush postponed with the Iraq 2003 invasion as being the fault of the Democrats.

If I were a cynic.