Forget Polanski, what about Epstien


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is a child trafficking pedophile who just spent a year under house arrest. Just goes to show what money and powerful contacts can do.

He regularly had underage girls in his house for sexual purposes and sometimes fly them in from around the world. "The younger the better" was his motto. Apparently, also, some important people fly aboard his private jet while it was transporting his under age girls. That's a good way to leverage powerful friends. Who wants to be named in THAT court case.

full story here

I'm not at all surprised. You probably already know that I don't have a high opinion of the rich in general. (OK, I'll call them the super-rich in case any of you want to call yourselves rich for not being poor). From stories that I have heard around town and from around the world from people I have know who have worked willingly and unwillingly in "adult entertainment" rich old men on young teens and preteens isn't out of the ordinary. Depravity is the name of the game.

There is a certain sense of entitlement you either must have before or comes with attaining great riches. It takes a certain psychopathic mindset to imagine that you deserve billions of dollars when others in the world are starving. Not all of the super-rich are scuzzy but they are overrepresented in the upper crust. Partly it's because an innate willingness to not entirely adhere to the law is certainly helpful in amassing great wealth (which must always be created by other people).
I remember this dirt bag, it is amazing how this story just fell off the news completely. So he got away with raping pre-teen and barely teen girls? Disgusting :firedup:
FluffyMcDeath said:
I'm not at all surprised. You probably already know that I don't have a high opinion of the rich in general. (OK, I'll call them the super-rich in case any of you want to call yourselves rich for not being poor). From stories that I have heard around town and from around the world from people I have know who have worked willingly and unwillingly in "adult entertainment" rich old men on young teens and preteens isn't out of the ordinary. Depravity is the name of the game.
My belief is that most crimes are crimes of opportunity. But you don't need to be rich to be a pedophile or to engage in these types of activities. Epstien was rich enough to fly young girls to himself, most people far poorer then him fly themselves to the young girls. But you don't even need to fly that far or even at all, Winnipeg is notorious for it's child prostitutes walking the streets. I have no idea of what the going rates are but I'd imagine they're easily affordable by all the cheapskates in this town. I could also mention once again all the patients my sister sees who've been severely abused by family members from Northern communities - the poorest of the poor.

Being rich may make things like this easier, but all that really tells me is that this may just be human nature. I've read that under aged sex is perhaps the number one fetish. In past cultures it wasn't taboo at all. It exists throughout the animal kingdom. For various reasons including health and financial we as a culture have decided that it's wrong, but biology doesn't necessarily care for what we think. Meaning I don't buy the argument that wealth and power is poison to the mind, it is simply an enabler in some cases and that lack of power and wealth isn't much of an inhibitor.

Now, is he using his wealth and power to get him out of jail for free? Most likely.
Glaucus said:
Meaning I don't buy the argument that wealth and power is poison to the mind, it is simply an enabler in some cases and that lack of power and wealth isn't much of an inhibitor.

Certainly there are many scuzzy types who are not rich. There are plenty of scuzzy types that are quite poor. Somehow that's pretty much expected - though there are many highly principled poor (perhaps one of the reasons that they are poor). But the super rich have an aura of being better than regular folk about them.

On the other hand I am not saying that wealth and power corrupts per se. Rather, it helps to be a little scuzzy on the way up. The difference between poor scuzzy people and rich scuzzy people is political talent - charisma, smarts, emotional detachment but the ability to fake empathy, and ruthlessness. Be good to those who can help you, screw those who can't. The further up you get the less of the former there are and the more of the latter. It's nothing personal - it's just business.
Glaucus said:
Being rich may make things like this easier, but all that really tells me is that this may just be human nature. I've read that under aged sex is perhaps the number one fetish.

Depends what you mean by underage. I can see some guy finding some 17 years old attractive, but 12??? Younger??? That is just sick, I don't get that and I doubt it is human nature. At least I hope it isn't...