Freedom Of Speech?


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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You are free to say whatever you are allowed to say. That's always the way it's really been which is what makes the US right to speak freely (even though imperfectly executed) so special in the world.

The UK has never had that right enshrined - and just to drive the point home they are at the point of introducing a law that might make it illegal to speak without police permission.
What sort of people might find themselves branded "extremists" and thus forbidden from speaking in public? Anyone, really. The definition of extremist being bandied about by May and her colleagues is so sweeping that pretty much all individuals with outré or edgy views could potentially find themselves served with an EDO and no longer allowed to make any public utterance without government approval.
Freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest have been gradually eroded over the last 20 years over here. (Much like many other places.)