French men not producing as much sperm

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(Reuters Health) - When it comes to sperm counts, French men aren't what they used to be, according to a new study.


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Ok, I'll go there.

Natural selection?
You missed a golden opportunity to blame it on French socialism. You know, something about sperm entitlement...
You missed a golden opportunity to blame it on French socialism. You know, something about sperm entitlement...

I was just having a go at the French. In reality, all male sperm counts are down. It is certainly down in the USA. There are many causes. Estrogen is getting in high levels in municipal water supplies. Also GMO have shown to cause sterility in mice in just 3 generations. There is a reason the elites promote GMO, but don't eat it themselves. There is a reason Monsanto does not serve GMO in their own cafeteria.

Ever seen the movie Children of Men?
It's good sperm counts are down. If everyone in the world lived like the USA we'd need another 3 planets.