He thought he could walk on water...


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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But he couldn't...
The article says that only Jesus walked on water, but of course in Matthew Peter was able to walk on the water too - albeit briefly before he had his Wile E. Coyote moment and started to sink.

I enjoy some of the comments under the article. I especially like the way people rationalize the failures of preachers who attempt to replicate miracles of faith. Obviously the problem is that the guys in the Bible performed their acts to glorify God whereas the new guys who failed did it to glorify themselves. Presumably we know this because ... they failed!! Hmm. That criticism sounds unfair to me. Sounds to me like they had a great deal of blind faith.

Interesting that another article on the site talks about how Americans are loosing their faith.
Both of the nut cases in that article should be Darwin award contenders.
You'd think these guys would have had the foresight to at least record their "miracles" for others to see. Too bad, I'd love to watch that goof enter the lions den.

It got so cold so quickly in this Norwegian bay that it froze a bunch of fish swimming in it