High Fructose corn syrup causes obesity

Yes, I posted this because Whyzzat has had discussion around HFCS and it's health impact.

It appears the health implications are due to the lack of satiation. Meaning you're likely to not feel as full and therefore overeat.

To me this again shows the old writing at Apollo's Temple in Delphi - Moderation in all things. Some HFCS isn't going to harm you. LOTS means you're more likely to eat too much. One could imagine that pot + HFCS is even worse. You get hungry and then never feel full.
Avoid those Double Gulps at 7-11, especially when smoking weed.
It appears the health implications are due to the lack of satiation. Meaning you're likely to not feel as full and therefore overeat.

It's actually worse than that, though. Fructose doesn't metabolize the way glucose (dextrose) does. Fructose is more like alcohol, it tends to turn to fat but also tends to cause more fat storage in the liver particularly. Super big gulps are binge drinking as far as your liver is concerned but without the hilarious falling down in front of security cameras.