iPad Lets Scientists Drag, Pinch and Swipe Real Molecules

robert l. bentham

Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
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Using laser beams to control individual molecules is a precise, difficult operation rendered nearly impossible by the limitations of the computer mouse.
Unless you have the right iPad app.
New software called iTweezers lets scientists drag molecules around the screen as easily as shooting angry birds at pigs.
“It’s cool because it takes something that normally lives on a lab bench, and makes it so simple,” said physicist Richard Bowman of Scotland’s University of Glasgow, lead author of a paper in the March 4 Journal of Optics describing the new software. “We have visitors who have never seen an optical tweezer before in their lives, and they happily move particles around.”

wonder if it can pull splinters... cause that would really rock!
I seem to recall being able to do this at a tech show a few years ago.
I do believe I moved an atom....:D

I don't think it was using an iPad but I really don't recall what I used
Dragging, pinching and swiping molecules is no big deal on it's own. But doing it with an Apple product is just mind blowing awesomeness!
I can already move many moles of molecules without the use of any touchscreen contrivance. I just move...