King Obama goes hungry at GOP lunch, royal food taster a no-show


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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He looked longingly at [the food]. He honestly did look longingly at it, but apparently he has to have essentially a taster, and I pointed out to him that we were all tasters for him, that if the food had been poisoned all of us would have keeled over so, but he did look longingly at it and he remarked that we have far better food than the Democrats do, and I said that was because I was hosting.


Oh, that uppity President Obama is at it again! Right-wing bloggers are making quite the meal over a Daily Caller piece containing the revelation that President Obama may have used the alleged absence of his royal food-taster to avoid having to eat some dodgy lobster salad at Thursday’s luncheon meeting with Congressional Republicans. Although details on presidential food tasters are necessarily scarce, it will probably surprise you to know that even some white presidents had the occasional aversion to being poisoned, including Bill Clinton, the Georges Bush, and even… (gasp!) Ronald Reagan!

The existence of the article is political subterfuge. GOP gets all butthurt because Obama didn't eat dinner. Who cares. That has jack squat to do with the quality, or lack of quality, job Obama is doing. It's a GOP stuck in an ad-hominem. You aren't making headway on Obama's political positions so attack the person. And, if the press wasn't stuck trying to entertain through sensationalism they wouldn't even be covering this. Isn't it convenient the press didn't bother to mention that Presidents have had food tasters for a long time? Even that Republican"god" Reagan did.
as someone who lived through an assassination (several, in fact) I can tell you they are NOT fun, solve NO problems and cause much chaos.

I don't care WHO the president is - I don't want ANYONE trying to kill them.

and anyone acting as if the possibility is, well, ha ha funny deserves a good swift kick in the pants.