ltstanfo said:
Now whose going off on a diatribe...
but mine was satirical. Yours was just bitter and abusive, and borrowed. Mine repudiated a fallacious argument with wit and yours (sorry, the one you borrowed) was simple ad hominem and made unfounded speculations about a person's motivations.
Yep, Jim's right... you got nothing. But thanks for trying.
I am not responsible for your inability to see the point. I merely drew attention to it though you are welcome to miss it completely as I would have expected. However, I don't really know why you are defending this guys bad idea so vociferously.
Finally, to your point. You may find my comments petty but there are plenty who appear to agree.
That is an important consideration for those who live and die by the polls and so must pander to the dumb masses. It does not make a stupid position less stupid. It does not make wrong into right. There are still a lot of people who think it was right to attack Iraq because Saddam did 911 and had nuclear weapons. It's millions of people - but they are all wrong.
My point was that as President, Commander in Chief and top civil servant, he had a duty to respond (IMO) to the incident on Federal property by a Federal employee.
Yes, in your opinion - but not in fact. The presidents duties where once carefully laid out and I know that there has been mission creep but talking to the nation when some small number of soldiers are killed is not one of them. There is a public expectation it seems because the public are unsure of their own emotional responses and want a big daddy or Uncle Sam to tell them that it's OK to be sad - there there - let all the sad out on Uncle Sam's shoulder - but there is no duty. There is a photo-op - a cheap emotional ploy - sure, but not a duty.
But if you feel it was ok for him to make the issue a "back seat" news item then that is your opinion
But my opinion on the matter is irrelevant because he did not make it a back seat issue. He spoke for a considerable time on the matter. You object that he spoke first to the people who were in the room with him before he spoke to you. Would it have been more appropriate to speak first to you and then to address his remarks to his hosts? How would that have looked to you? More sensitive?
Obama had not been sitting watching the same TV build up as you. He did not get the introduction to his speech that you did. you came in from the news feeds of shocked personnel and police units and uniformed military people trying to hold back tears and all of the other TV devices they use to make you care about people you don't know and really couldn't care less about if you didn't get the news (because if you cared about people then you will simply be overwhelmed if you try to care about all the people who are unfairly slaughtered every day and many of whom are slaughter by your tax dollars). If the news hadn't reported it would have been no skin of your nose whatsoever. Heck, it was a whole weekend ago. Have you been haunted by this for the last few days? When the TVs not on do you even remember it happened? You are being emotionally manipulated but that's a whole other issue - the President has no duty to speak to this but he did nonetheless and you criticize him because he talked to the people he was with before he talked to the people on the other side of the TV screens who had been bombarded by drama in technicolor with spinning graphics and edits so that YOU had been lead to have an unreasonable expectation and an unreasonable feeling of personal involvement.
As for (in your opinion) taking a "cheap shot", I'm pretty sure I didn't miss or you wouldn't be responding.
Does not compute. Shooting at someone and missing is still a felony. You can't expect the police to let you be just because you didn't manage to nail the guy you were aiming at.
The reason I respond and continue to respond and at length and in outrage is that I cannot believe that YOU would be so dumb to say what you said - though I do understand why you must vigorously as if you had been in the right.
Never mind that, I'm not qualified to be president (at least what I feel are qualifications)... never been in the military, never been governor of a state or served more than a single term as senator / representative.
That's the dumbest list of qualifications I've heard of for the Presidency. Did you get that from the Constitution or something? No.
You want a guy who has been brought up through all the levels of the corruption system and found to be loyal to the ruling classes and pretty much guaranteed not to rock the boat?
Qualifications for Presidency should begin with principles, honesty, loyalty to the Constitution and being of the people.
but if you think medals and ribbons and never pissing off rich people are better qualifications, then at least you always get what you deserve.
Now, stop being petty, stop letting propagandists lead you by the emotions and become a bit more discerning. While this tawdry titillation is being waved in your face something important is happening.