Mathematical formula predicts the perfect toy


Active Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Mathematical formula predicts the perfect toy

  • A British psychologist has come up with a mathematical formula to help parents choose the toy that best matches their child's nature and their wallet's cash level.

The formula requires you to calculate square roots so if you suck at arithmetic you can make use of modern technology here:

Here are my numbers for my favorite new toy - Battlefield 1943 for the PS3:
  • Pi: 1
    Po: 5
    Cr: 5
    S: 4
    U: 4
    H: 2
    T: 10
    L: 6 (although I suspect this to go up with time)
    C: 7 Pounds (was $15 CDN).

    Play value rating: 44

Not bad, although if I play it like this for a full year the value goes up to 66.

In comparison - Batman Forever on Bluray
  • Pi: 5
    Po: 4
    Cr: 1
    S: 3
    U: 4
    H: 4
    T: 1
    L: 1 (It's a two hour movie, and if i watch 1 hour per week in a month I'd have watched it twice, which is about right)
    C: 13 Pounds (was around $30 CDN).

    Play value rating: 21

And the studios wonder why people don't buy movies any more...