Meanwhile in Laredo

So is the fact that US soldiers were involved in a drug related crime a super big for some reason? Not sure what we're supposed to look at here.
So is the fact that US soldiers were involved in a drug related crime a super big for some reason? Not sure what we're supposed to look at here.
Dunno. Maybe we can't just say it's all Mexico's fault. Of course, we already know that there is plenty of American involvement because that's how the stuff gets to market. CIA drug flights, anyone?
Well, certainly it's not all Mexico's fault. The US is part of the problem. The "War On Drugs" is an international disaster. But we already know that, don't we?

I have to admit, it would have been interesting to see ex-US soldiers at war with ex-Mexican soldiers.

and current blackwater, and us military are probably doing the killing.... when two men struggle amongst each other, look for third party provocateur...