Missouri bill redefines science, gives equal time to Intelligent Design


Specifically on the broad concept of "intelligent design", I don't mind it discussed as the idea there was never anything at all until a huge explosion happened for no reason that created everything is a bit lacking

Specifically on the broad concept of "intelligent design", I don't mind it discussed as the idea there was never anything at all until a huge explosion happened for no reason that created everything is a bit lacking
But that's not the issue. Intelligent design seeks specifically to undermine the science of evolution so that certain people don't have to worry about why their sacred fairy tales are just so wrong.

Intelligent Design is just another way of saying Creationism and that's just another word for religion. The idea that a super powerful intelligent being created all animal forms in their current form was the dominant theory up until a couple of hundred years ago and it had failed spectacularly to give any understanding about the natural world. Evolution replaced Creationism not because of a secular conspiracy but because it was phenomenally useful as an explanatory framework and it was conformant with other lines of evidence. As we have discovered more about how living things work it has been further confirmed.

I personally have always felt that Creationism should be mentioned in science classes but it only deserves 10 minutes at the beginning of term because that's all the material there is on it. Evolution requires far more time to understand because it has far more evidence and far more interesting implications - but it is good to have the Creationism comparator just to expose how immensely useless it is. Similarly in physics and chemistry we should mention phlogiston, the ether and the four elements.
I've said this a million times and I will repeat myself until idiots stop thinking it's ok to "teach" children bullshit:

if you (in this case the dopes in Missouri, but it happens in other states) reduce the standards in schools - grammar/HS this devalues the diplomas. So what GOOD college is going to accept any student from a school that doesn't teach reality?

Those children are doomed to a life with a sub-par education, lower income and unable to cope with a world consumed in technology. Those children will NOT be able to compete with the rest of the world. Any community that allows such a crappy school system must HATE their children

What if there's a child in Missouri that has a real talent for biology, for example.....what if that child doesn't get the education they really need to develop that talent?
What if THAT child could have found a significant development to curing, say, cancer...or diabetes?

So the morons in Missouri want millions of people to suffer because they want their children to be slaves to some asshole religion?

just pathetic. :rolleyes:
So the morons in Missouri want millions of people to suffer because they want their children to be slaves to some asshole religion?
Maybe the owners of the US just need more soldiers.
Specifically on the broad concept of "intelligent design", I don't mind it discussed as the idea there was never anything at all until a huge explosion happened for no reason that created everything is a bit lacking
If the conversation is in the right class I agree. Science is the completely wrong place for that discussion. Instead it should be comparitive religions, philosophy, or history - depending upon context.

One can't mention the designer? Awesome that leaves the door open to lots of fanciful stuff. If I were a Mississippi Teacher I'd be teaching the Intelligent Design of Odin, as seemingly this qualifies.

Specifically on the broad concept of "intelligent design", I don't mind it discussed as the idea there was never anything at all until a huge explosion happened for no reason that created everything is a bit lacking

it isn't "Reality"s ' responsibility to validate your hopes... :D