More freedoms up in smoke

this won't bring my cousin back from the dead, but if this is the start of getting rid of cigarettes entirely so that others won't DIE, I can't see this as a bad thing.

I also can't wait for there to be cars that drive themselves because THAT would save lives. esp with drunk drivers.

do things like this take away the "freedom" to be dumb and irresponsible?
do I care?
Having lost my mom to Lung cancer directly attributable to smoking, sorry Jim, can't feel too bad about it at all. Smoking is a nasty disgusting habit that affects not only the smoker but those around them on a very real, very tangible, very deadly level.

In reference to getting rid of sodas and cheeseburgers, et al, it too will happen, just like the elimination of gun rights. It's only a matter of time, but unlike smoking, being fat doesn't directly contribute to the death of those around them.

In regards to rights, while I would greatly brush against the loss of most, "they" will do whatever "they" wish to do because this isn't the land of freedoms any more. Freedom is a red herring. This is a land of "public good" or better said, "whichever group bitches the loudest or pays the most money gets their way".


I think I'm with you on this one. Whilst smoking is indeed a nasty habit, if people want to kill themselves, they should be allowed to.
Smoking in internal, public places is now banned in most places which is fair enough but if you want to smoke cloves, tobacco, ganja, smack, etc, in your own home, that should not be anyone else's business.
Think what you may about smoking, those who smoke cloves rarely chain smoke them. This ban will have no effect on cancer rates.
I started to smoke when I was eleven. I don't any more.

But part of why I started, back in the day, was that the cigarette companies had just come out with flavoured cigarettes - chocolate, strawberry and mint. The mint ones became "menthol" and the others mercifully disappeared and we progressed on to Rothman's blue.

It is quite obvious to me now from this vantage point in time that we were precisely the target market for these products despite the protestations from the cigarette makers that they were just trying to offer "choices" to smokers.

The cigarette companies were able to make a good living out of me for decades and that was the plan since, as we know from their own internal research, adults are harder to turn into smokers than kids are.

Clove smokers are "collateral damage" in this case but they are also "martyrs". It is a tiny market and incidental to the "fruit flavoured cigarette" law that I wouldn't be surprised if this article hadn't been directly sourced from a PR company working for the tobacco industry.
Fluffy, I am So glad you stopped smoking. we would all be the poorer if you were not around.

my cousin's parents smoked and in my opinion they were poisoning their daughter her whole life and this is why she felt this need to smoke as a teenager.

I'd never say this to my aunt because she has enough guilt and there's nothing more horrible than losing a child. she has (and continues to) suffer enough.

but if you are a smoker you better be single or childless. I consider it child abuse to force a child to live with a smoker. or any other drug addiction.
faethor said:
And just when I thought sceners couldn't be more sad.

Semi-related -- Japan's Fat Tax

Youch!! :shocked: That would never work here on so many levels.

On a side note, one thing that article doesn't take into account is average heights of Americans -vs- Japanese. It says the average waistline for an American male is 39". ATM, I am right about average. While I certainly could lose a few pounds, at 6'4" I hardly look like Jabba The Hut. It also says many americans weigh more than 220lbs. At my height, 220lbs would be about appropriate for my height and build. If I weighed 220, I would have about a 33" waiste.
Red-- I agree that some sort of sliding scale for height might be of better use. (if it's of use at all). At 6' 4" you're on the tall side. Last I recall the average American Male was about 5' 10".
Hm, I myself smoke cigars so every now and then, well, once a month really.
While I think cigarette manufacturers should be forbidden to add funny stuff to their tobacco, I don't think it should be forbidden on the whole (unless you're a parent and your kids underaged and still living at home, then you should be forced to either stop smoking or smoke outside).
Don't make tobacco a forbidden fruit, it'll only taste sweeter to the sinners.