New broad-spectrum antiviral agent

yes, sounds very Doctor McCoy-ish

what happens if one's body is So infected that if one got this drug half your cells would die? would you shrink? :)

I think any infection on that scale would have killed you already ;)
Aside from the blindingly obvious, another interesting facet of this is what it could potentially mean for cancer treatments. Having lost two close relatives in 2 years with it, anything that can potentially kick cancer into touch is great news.
I think any infection on that scale would have killed you already ;)
well, kinda figured that. :)

I wonder if people's immune system will stay immature without the "help" of an occasional cold if such a treatment becomes common?
yes, sounds very Doctor McCoy-ish

what happens if one's body is So infected that if one got this drug half your cells would die? would you shrink? :)
Aw men if I would become an Oompa Loompa I'd be sooooo annoying and tiresome :D.....