OWS backfiring on the liberal establishment?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Democrats see minefield in Occupy protests

There's little benefit to Democrats in opening their arms wide to a scruffy group that has erupted in violence, defied police and shown evidence of drug use while camping in public parks across the country — much as the prospect of such a pairing delights Republicans

Gee, just a couple weeks ago the liberal media and King Obama himself was proclaiming OWS for their own. Did this pre-fab outrage open pandora's box and is out of the establishment's control?
Maybe it is a character flaw, but I can't stop laughing thinking about cops herding bums and druggies into OWS camps.
Yup. It's a character flaw. They're doing it here too - herding trouble makers in amongst the protesters to make trouble that they can act against and to breed distrust - basically setting lowlifes on people who want to change the status quo and using your tax money to do it. The tax feeders are protecting their turf and feeding on taxes to do it.

Of course, you won't see the establishment doing such things to the Tea Party - because why would they attack their own organization?

After describing how she decided to go check out the Occupy action, she raised a great point, “A lot of my friends were there, and my friends consist of all age groups and all colors. No matter what some of the media might say that they’re rats, and they’re crazy, druggies, etc, that is just not so.”

Ms. Rainey also compared the media situation in the US to what was going on in Nazi Germany when she was growing up, “I see the same thing happening here. We have really no more free media that will bring you the issues instead of just the soft fluff entertainment. The repeated stuff about some actress somewhere being pregnant and not pregnant, and wanting to go get married and not. This should be on the entertainment pages and not on the mainstream news media.”

She explained why she has shunned retirement and is still actively involved in changing the world at age 84, “Somebody’s got to keep them awake and let them know what is really going on in this world…I’m an issues person, always have been.”

he was my brother too... he is also my sons brother... my brothers brother... my grandfather and most of my uncles too....

It is not the first time the president has been interrupted. As USA Today reports, in recent months, he has also been heckled during speeches in San Francisco and West Hollywood.

Heckled in San Francisco and West Hollywood? How dare they do that to a black president!! Damn racist progressive democrats!!!:rolleyes:

as he began, activists drowned out his remarks, chanting: 'Over 4,000 peaceful protesters have been arrested while "banksters" continue to destroy the American economy.'

Fair point.

'Listen, I'm going to be talking about a whole range of things today,' he said. 'I appreciate you guys making your point. Let me go ahead and make mine, all right?'

Fair enough response too.
Heckled in San Francisco and West Hollywood? How dare they do that to a black president!! Damn racist progressive democrats!!!:rolleyes:

You seem somewhat preoccupied with racism these days. Have I missed something?
You seem somewhat preoccupied with racism these days. Have I missed something?

Wow do you have a short memory, Robert! When Obama was elected I was warning people about the horrors of TARP, Porkulous and Obamacare. You Whyzzat guys/gals were hinting (or outright saying) that my concerns came from racism. Anyone who warned this was going to turn into a trainwreck were called racists. Now that the trainwreck is happening and even the people who are supposedly Obama's biggest supporters are heckling him, they aren't called racists by the Whyzzat crowd (or the liberal media).

Wow do you have a short memory, Robert! When Obama was elected I was warning people about the horrors of TARP, Porkulous and Obamacare. You Whyzzat guys/gals were hinting (or outright saying) that my concerns came from racism.
I don't consider you racist.
Wow do you have a short memory, Robert! When Obama was elected I was warning people about the horrors of TARP, Porkulous and Obamacare. You Whyzzat guys/gals were hinting (or outright saying) that my concerns came from racism. Anyone who warned this was going to turn into a trainwreck were called racists. Now that the trainwreck is happening and even the people who are supposedly Obama's biggest supporters are heckling him, they aren't called racists by the Whyzzat crowd (or the liberal media).


You're right, I do have a poor memory but I don't remember ever thinking of you as racist, which is something I'd expect to be able to recall.
If it's genuinely in response to your feeling insulted because you were under that impression, I apologise. I'm pretty sure that was never my intention.

I was under the impression something had occurred recently simply because you seemed to be mentioning racism a lot over the last wee while.
You're right, I do have a poor memory but I don't remember ever thinking of you as racist, which is something I'd expect to be able to recall.
If it's genuinely in response to your feeling insulted because you were under that impression, I apologise. I'm pretty sure that was never my intention.

Thank you for that, though I was not deeply insulted at anytime. People make off the cuff remarks, lord knows I do. My comment earlier in this thread about democrats being racist in heckling Obama was being facetious.
he was my brother too... he is also my sons brother... my brothers brother... my grandfather and most of my uncles too....

He was you, he was me.

From that link I spotted this one.

Like most bullies, the banks are cowards. They talk a big game, but if confronted with their crimes, they run for cover and go whining to "mommy."

Read the rest, you'll have a good giggle. I know I did.