PC Police go after the Apache helicopter...

Another self appointed member of the PC-Police looking for an excuse to wave his self-righteous finger in everybody else's face in the name of political correctness, "jump on the liberal bandwagon journalism." and raising the heights of "being offended" to new levels

Told ya. The attack on the Washington Redskins was just the first... Now they are attacking the Apache helicopter for being "racist".

So long as they don't come after the web server or they'll have to change the name back to "A patchy web server".
I stole that image for facebook btw, thanks for posting it... :)
He forgot to include in his list the 2nd Infantry Division SSI and nickname (Indian Head), 32nd Infantry Division SSI and nickname (Red Arrow), 36th Infantry Division SSI (arrowhead), 45th Infantry Division SSI and nickname (Thunderbird), 86th Infantry Division SSI and nickname (Black Hawk), and the 98th Infantry Division SSI and nickname (Iroquois)

My father served in the 45th 187th Regiment Charley Company,
his brother was in same unit with him