Pope wants to save world from Gay people


Active Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Pope Benedict XVI has said that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.

Meanwhile senior Scottish catholics want people arrested for singing the Hokey Cokey:
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u ... 375699.ece
“This song does have quite disturbing origins. It was devised as an attack on, and a parody of, the Catholic Mass,” said Peter Kearney, a spokesman for the Catholic church in Scotland.
“This song does have quite disturbing origins. It was devised as an attack on, and a parody of, the Catholic Mass,” said Peter Kearney, a spokesman for the Catholic church in Scotland. “If there are moves to restore its more malevolent meaning then consideration should perhaps be given to its wider use.”
proof of the basic insanity of the religious "mind"

  1. invent an Evil act
  2. connect it with an innocent activity
  3. encouage everyone to engage in this activity
  4. blame everyone for being Evil and round them up for punishment
Pope attacks blurring of gender
says some guy who has never married or had a family and lives with a bunch of guys in a big house

Robert said:
Pope Benedict XVI has said that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.

Meanwhile senior Scottish catholics want people arrested for singing the Hokey Cokey:
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u ... 375699.ece
[quote:1lrezpb5]“This song does have quite disturbing origins. It was devised as an attack on, and a parody of, the Catholic Mass,” said Peter Kearney, a spokesman for the Catholic church in Scotland.

I can just see crowds of gay people doing the Hokey Cokey in George Square. :lol:
cecilia said:
Pope attacks blurring of gender
says some guy who has never married or had a family and lives with a bunch of guys in a big house

A house with countless and countless of really beautifully carved and painted naked men....
Pope wants to save world from Gay people

Heck, that sounds like Fort Lauderdale Democrat Mayor Jim Naugle.


His view regarding homosexuality is that it is a sin and he has defended anti-sodomy laws.[citation needed] He stated that he does not support gay rights,[citation needed] but noted his working relationship with gay-rights activist Robin Bodiford as an example of his tolerance of differing viewpoints. Comments Naugle made about alleged use of a planned $250,000 robotic toilet in Fort Lauderdale's beach to prevent sexual encounters between men caused protests from the local community.
Hokey Cokey? I'm scared to Google that.
smithy said:
I can just see crowds of gay people doing the Hokey Cokey in George Square. :lol:

Hehe... I'd buy a ticket to watch that. :banana:

Ironically the Hokey-Cokey will now almost certainly be belted out by thousands of Rangers supporters at the old firm game this weekend, whereas they had never sung it before.
Unless that's exactly what the nutty Cardinal wants, so he can say, "See! I told you it was sectarian! Yet more proof that Scottish Catholics are persecuted and oppressed!"
Actually, the more I think about it the more likely that explanation seems. He has previous form, does this Cardinal.
Robert said:
Pope Benedict XVI has said that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.

Tee hee. He is quite the flamboyant pope with a taste for the fancy frocks. Now he wants to save the world from homosexuals. I guess that's the last peice of the puzzle. Now we KNOW he's gay.
Robert said:
Pope Benedict XVI has said that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.
The Pope's job is a hotline to God. It's in the religion that homosexuality is a sin. So is adultery, theft, dishonoring your Father and Mother, etc. The Pope should want to save everyone including homosexuals.

BEST HEADLINE; Virgin male in dress tells gays they are confused on their sexuality. :lol:
I came across this pic, and it gave me a good laugh for one reason or another: