That's a shame - still, it cost Walker's team seven times what it cost the other side. I say do it again It's good to make the Koch's spend their money into the economy.
Are the cuts retro-active? Seems like what we're saying here is that contracts can be abrogated if voters say so. Sounds like an interesting precedent.Don't worry, there will be more battles over public employee unions death grip on the tax payers:
I don't see how you got that from the link you posted.
I come up with just short of $14M that the unions and such raised for this recall.
I just looked...nothing so far@Cecilia,
We used to use Angel Soft, no clue about the company that made it. Once Walker started his Union busing ways and the Koch product list came out we switched to CostCo Generic brand. I continue to review these lists. Though with everything they make it's hard to remember them all. Someone should make a Koch Bros. Product iPhone App.