So is Skyrim any good?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Is it? I see it is by Bethesda which made Fallout III and Fallout New Vegas which I have. That is all I know about it.

How does it compare to Fallout III in game play? Different story obviously.

Is it easy to learn and play, or is it helpless complicated?

Does the PC version suck? I've read that the PC version is a poor port of the console versions and the mouse feels terrible. Is this true?
I do not know about the PC version (which is the one I want to get). My son has the Xbox360 version. It looks great. If you ever played Morrowind or Oblivion it is a Bethesda game, albeit the pinnacle of their craft to date. I'll still get the PC version, simply because at some point they'll be lots of third party content.
I own Skyrim. I have yet to crack ot open as Gears 3 is taking up my gaming time. GeoW3 is definitely one of the vest games of 2011.
I see it is by Bethesda which made Fallout III and Fallout New Vegas which I have.

C'mon... Bethesda is surely better known for Wayne Gretzky's Hockey and Hockey League Simulator, no? :D

I've heard lots of good things about Skyrim, but the gameplay videos on youtube didn't look like my cup of tea. My limited gaming time has all been spent in Forza 4, anyhow. :P
A little birdie told me that Santa has set aside a copy of Battlefield 3 for me this year, and if I'm extra good I may even get a copy of Uncharted 3. Skyrim is not likely I'm afraid but I may end up getting it at some point (but for the PS3 or my new PC? That is the question...). However I haven't been playing games much lately, but that may all change on 25.12.2011.

And yes, Wayne Gratzky Hockey was one of my favorite Amiga games for a long time. Damn, that takes me back to highschool!
If your PC is up to it I'd recommend PC, having read the posts of PS3 screen lag issues with Skyrim.