so... what do we got here?

robert l. bentham

Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
just wanna make sure i got this straight...

1 journalist who outed crazy death squad general... dead
2 guy who outs our government for nefarious deed against people... on the run...
3 no right to remain silent
4 drones used on our soil
5 request for warrant leads to arrest
6 first amendment zones
7 the death squads themselves
8 feel free to remember some of your own cuz' there shore been plenty
9 the robot cops in development
10 soon to be robot death squads

is there still really "nothing to see here"?
i hope everybody stands up when the time comes...

For what it's worth..... me too. it'll get interesting.

its coming soon....

On one hand, I hope you're right. On the other... I don't. Is there such a thing as looking forward to a task with dread?