Space debate.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Not quite but read both candidate's position on space. LINK

My quickie comparision is they're basically the same with the more detailed plans going to Obama.
Not quite but read both candidate's position on space. LINK

My quickie comparision is they're basically the same with the more detailed plans going to Obama.
Not quite but read both candidate's position on space. LINK

My quickie comparision is they're basically the same with the more detailed plans going to Obama.
Not quite but read both candidate's position on space. LINK

My quickie comparision is they're basically the same with the more detailed plans going to Obama.
Not quite but read both candidate's position on space. LINK

My quickie comparision is they're basically the same with the more detailed plans going to Obama.
Not quite but read both candidate's position on space. LINK

My quickie comparision is they're basically the same with the more detailed plans going to Obama.