The end of homeownership, property rights & middle class


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Do you own a home? Probably not for long! You will soon be required to get your home licensed and must comply with gov energy efficiency standards. Want to sell the house? Better do it soon! You will be required to make expensive upgrades and then get a "house panel" approval from government before a sale is allowed. How much will this cost?

The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) estimates that in just a few years the average cost to every family of four will be $6,800 per year.

No one is excluded.

Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home ... ome-44750/

HR2454 American Clean Energy & Security Act:

Cap & Trade A license required for your home: ... -home.html

Cap and trade is a license to cheat and steal: ... 71937.html

Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home:

Thinking about selling you House? Look at HR 2454: ... rade-bill/

Remember what I keep saying, total societal collapse is coming within the next 10 years. Want to know what yor future looks like if this nonsense continues? Check out the 1980's Soviet Union. Actually 1980's Soviet Union, *IF* we are lucky. It could be much, much worse.
redrumloa said:

The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) estimates that in just a few years the average cost to every family of four will be $6,800 per year.

No one is excluded.

a) Al Gore will pay more.
b) What are the savings and what is the amortization?
c) Will it get construction workers back on the job and off of welfare?

And the first article you linked to that said that the "lower classes" would likely get tax rebates to help pay thus being a burden on the middle class? Well, 50% of Americans ARE the lower class. Half of Americans don't make enough to pay Federal Income Tax!!!

If you make between 50k and 350k then you are "middle" class. If you make 350k to 700k you are upper middle class. Above that and you are staring to get into "society" and rubbing shoulders with the people that count. 250k and up is where the money is going to come from plus closing tax havens and tightening up on cheating companies. If Obama has the balls to do it he could also wind down some wars and push for a 5% reduction in military spending which would pretty much just buy everyone a house!! (Half of Federal Tax goes to the military one way or another).