The Great Russian Conspiracy

Personally, I'd argue they never should have walked up to it in the first place. But they definitely should have walked away from it more than two years ago. What could possibly have been accomplished by the last two years of this debacle? We all knew this was the only possible conclusion. Even if there was some technically illegal collusion somewhere (I'd consider it doubtful, but hey, the laws are a minefield), nothing would be done about it, and it would be buried. There was never any possible beneficial end-game for this. It just shows that they are willing to waste multiple years and millions of dollars over what was essentially a temper-tantrum about losing the election.

I have to believe that leaves a pretty bad taste in many common American's mouths. Exactly the people they SHOULD have been courting during this time. Instead, they haven't learned why they lost the last election, and look well staged to do it again.