The "Java Life"


Active Member
Apr 1, 2005
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"We code hard...... "

I imagine some of you will have seen this one before
I could write a long litany of how crushingly lame Java is in the real world but at the end of the day, it serves a useful purpose as a learning tool.
Ever hear of the story of Mel?

Apparently, real programmers don't use Pascal. Presumably the likes of Java would be viewed with even greater contempt :D


Now with actual story of Mel!

Ugh, need coffee :(
Pascal is for quiche eaters! I hate quiche.

Btw, your story of Mel, what does the MC400 have to do with Java?
Pascal is for quiche eaters! I hate quiche.

Btw, your story of Mel, what does the MC400 have to do with Java?

Just that as with the beginning of the story of Mel describing how real programmers use machine code, not this namby pamby fortran nonsense, I often hear of programmers making similar comments about Java.

The more things change, the more they stay the same etc.
Your link is about the Psion MC400. Did you pos the wrong link, or am I out to lunch???
Ah, that makes much more sense. The Psion was an interesting read as well, but just didn't fit in with what you were saying. :D

Btw, I'm glad we don't program like Mel anymore. That's insane!
Btw, I'm glad we don't program like Mel anymore. That's insane!
That's memory constrained. Sometimes we DO program a bit like Mel. We just try to keep those bits in a safe place well outside of the bulk of the code we need to actively maintain - except when we don't.
That's memory constrained. Sometimes we DO program a bit like Mel. We just try to keep those bits in a safe place well outside of the bulk of the code we need to actively maintain - except when we don't.
Well, we all have bits of ugly code, but Mel was relying on peculiar side effects of the hardware it was running on. No one programs quite that way anymore, unless you're writing device drivers maybe. And even then I doubt it. With hardware being abstracted the way it is, even Mel couldn't program that way any more.
With hardware being abstracted the way it is, even Mel couldn't program that way any more.

There are still useful but tiny devices out there where tricks are good and cycle and byte counts still matter. Admittedly very few since there are so many very capable and cheap programmable chips out there now. More is the pity. :)
Them's fighting words! VB indeed. I'd sooner set myself on fire than write a line of code in that travesty of a language.
I'd rather work in a language whose 'Hello World' looks like:

++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>->+>>+[<]<-]>>.> >---.+++++++..+++.>.<<-.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>++.
I'd rather work in a language whose 'Hello World' looks like:

++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>->+>>+[<]<-]>>.> >---.+++++++..+++.>.<<-.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>++.
Back in high school, a good friend of mine came up with an idea for a truly messed up language. By our second year in university he came up with a formal standard: Befunge-93 (I actually get credit here but can't for the life of me remember what for, except that I do remember having discussions about the language at an early stage). It even has it's own wiki page: Befunge. It's hello world program looks like:
>25*"!dlrow ,olleH":v
                 >  ^
Is that close enough?
I'd rather work in a language whose 'Hello World' looks like:

++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>->+>>+[<]<-]>>.> >---.+++++++..+++.>.<<-.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>++.

Good old Brainf*ck, devised by none other than Urban Müller (of Aminet fame) if I'm not mistaken.
As an experiment, I once devised my own virtual machine (in the Java sense of the word) to test out various ideas. It's a 16 GPR machine with a stack and a set of register to register only operations. Nothing particularly special in itself, but some truly horrific C macros allow code to be written in a sort of pseudo assembler that compiles into arrays of 16-bit words that can represent the same structure the loader/linker would produce at runtime. Never did complete that part though ;)

My "hello world" was a mandelbrot generator:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "vmcore.hpp"
#include "vminline.hpp"
#include "vm_codemacros.hpp"

using namespace std;

// native function to allocate a buffer
void nativeAllocBuffer(VMCore* vm)
  // width/height in r2/r3
  // return buffer address in r1
  int w = vm->getReg(_r2).s32();
  int h = vm->getReg(_r3).s32();
  vm->getReg(_r1).pU8() = new uint8[w*h];
  printf("Allocated buffer [%d x %d]\n", w, h);

// native function to free allocated buffer
void nativeFreeBuffer(VMCore* vm)
  // expects buffer address in r1
  delete[] vm->getReg(_r1).pCh();
  vm->getReg(_r1).pCh() = 0;
  printf("Freed buffer\n");

// native function to write buffer to disk
void nativeWriteBuffer(VMCore* vm)
  // writes buffer in r1 to filename in r4
  // expects width/height in r2/r3
  const char* fileName = vm->getReg(_r16).pCh();
  int w = vm->getReg(_r2).s32();
  int h = vm->getReg(_r3).s32();
  if (fileName) {
    FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "wb");
    fprintf(f, "P5\n%d\n%d\n255\n", w, h);
    fwrite(vm->getReg(_r1).pCh(), 1, w*h, f);
    printf("Wrote buffer '%s'\n", fileName);

// native function to output some information on the region plotted
void nativePrintCoords(VMCore* vm)
    "Coords %4d, %4d (%.6f, %.6f)\n",

// virtual code starts here

// makeFractal() function
  // r1 = pixel data address
  // r2 = width in pixels
  // r3 = height in pixels
  // r4 = cY (float pos, starting at yMin)
  // r5 = y (int) pixel
  // r6 = xMin (float)
  // r7 = cX (float pos, starting at xMin)
  // r8 = fStep
  // r9 = x (int) pixel
  // r10 = iStep (1)

  _save      (_mr1)          // 2 : save r1
  _ldq        (0, _r5)        // 1 : y (r5) = 0
  _ld_16_i32  (255, _r10)      // 2 : max iters

  // y-loop
  _ldq        (0, _r9)        // 1 : x = 0
  _move_32    (_r6, _r7)      // 1 : cX = xMin

  // x-loop                        do {

  _move_32    (_r7, _r11)            // 1 : zx = cX
  _move_32    (_r4, _r12)            // 1 : zy = cY
  _ldq        (0, _r13)              // 1 :  n = 0

                                      // do {

  _move_32    (_r11, _r14)          // 1
  _mul_f32    (_r11, _r14)          // 1 : zx2 = zx*zx
  _move_32    (_r12, _r15)          // 1
  _mul_f32    (_r12, _r15)          // 1 : zy2  = zy*zy

  _move_32    (_r7,  _r16)          // 1 : new_zx = cX
  _add_f32    (_r14, _r16)          // 1 : new_zx += zx2
  _sub_f32    (_r15, _r16)          // 1 : new_zx -= zy2

  _add_f32    (_r15, _r14)          // 1 : r14 = zx*zx + zy*zy (for loop test)

  _move_32    (_r11, _r15)          // 1 : tmp = zx
  _mul_f32    (_r12, _r15)          // 1 : tmp *= zy
  _add_f32    (_r15, _r15)          // 1 : tmp += tmp2
  _add_f32    (_r4,  _r15)          // 1 : tmp += cY (tmp = 2*zx*zy+cY)

  _move_32    (_r15, _r12)          // 1 : zy = tmp
  _move_32    (_r16, _r11)          // 1 : zx = new_zx
  _addi_16    (1, _r13)              // 2 : n++

  _ld_32_f32  (4.0f, _r16)            // 3
  _bgr_f32    (_r14, _r16, 2)          // 2
  _bls_32    (_r13, _r10, -23)        // 2

  _mul_u16    (_r13, _r13)            // 1
  _st_ripi_8  (_r13, _r1)              // 1 : out = n
  _add_f32    (_r8, _r7)              // 1 : cX += fStep
  _addi_16    (1, _r9)                // 2 : x += iStep

  _bls_32    (_r9, _r2, -(6+23+3+1))    // 2 : } while (x < width)

  _add_f32    (_r8, _r4)                // 1 : cY += fStep
  _addi_16    (1, _r5)                  // 2 : y += iStep
  _bls_32    (_r5, _r3, -(5+5+6+23+1))  // 2 : } while (y < height)

  _restore    (_mr1)                    // 1

// calculateRanges()
  // calculates xMin in r6, xMax in r7, step in r8
  _move_32    (_r5, _r6)
  _sub_f32    (_r4, _r6)        // r6 = r5-r4 (total y range)
  _s32to_f32  (_r2, _r7)        // r7 = (float) r2
  _move_32    (_r7, _r9)
  _mul_f32    (_r6, _r7)        // r7 *= r6
  _s32to_f32  (_r3, _r6)        // r6 = (float) r3
  _div_f32    (_r6, _r7)        // r7 /= r6
  _move_32    (_r7, _r8)
  _div_f32    (_r9, _r8)
  _ld_32_f32  (0.75f, _r6)
  _sub_f32    (_r7, _r6)
  _add_f32    (_r6, _r7)

// main program
_VM_CODE(virtualProgram)          // a vm function
  _ld_16_i16  (512, _r2)
  _ld_16_i16  (512, _r3)
  _calln      (nativeAllocBuffer)
  _ld_32_f32  (-1.25f, _r4)      // yMin
  _ld_32_f32  (1.25f, _r5)        // yMax
  _call      (calculateRanges)
  _call      (makeFractal)
  _lda        ("framebuffer.pgm", _r16)
  _calln      (nativeWriteBuffer)
  _calln      (nativeFreeBuffer)