The President does NOT need Congressional approval to start a war!

nothing new here.. war powers act... they can send anyone anywhere for 120 days... without approval.....
Actions are not only illegal or legal by written law. Consideration is also given to precedent. So, not only do we have the War Powers act but we have other Presidents who have done this stuff before. The answer here shouldn't surprise anyone.
...and in other news, experts confirm that the sky really is blue.

Actions are not only illegal or legal by written law. Consideration is also given to precedent. So, not only do we have the War Powers act but we have other Presidents who have done this stuff before. The answer here shouldn't surprise anyone.

Ultimately it comes down to - the President has the power to do anything for which, having done it, he is not impeached. All those people who wanted to impeach the Bush regime had a good reason for wanting to do it, but since they weren't listened to then the new guy (Hope and Change for now, Moron Hope and Change perhaps next) get to do at least the same bad stuff - and then have a go at pushing the envelope a little further. They're like kids. They just want to see how far they can go before they get spanked/grounded/whatever.

Then they'll wait till you calm down - and go a bit further.

(What was the price of freedom again? Constant vigilance? Something like that.)


Actually, it's "eternal vigilance", which is a phrase that goes back to Jefferson at least (though not quite in the "price of freedom" formulation). Constant vigilance is the "Mad-Eye Moody" (of Harry Potter) version a la J.K. Rowling. damn, I love her subversive message of Liberty. No wonder the fundies hate her.
Constant vigilance is the "Mad-Eye Moody" (of Harry Potter) version a la J.K. Rowling. damn, I love her subversive message of Liberty. No wonder the fundies hate her.
Being late to the Potter universe i am reading the first book.
And this is after watching all the films on cable a whole bunch of times. Wow, what an imagination. She's quite a good writer. I love her play on words.
Ultimately it comes down to - the President has the power to do anything for which, having done it, he is not impeached. All those people who wanted to impeach the Bush regime had a good reason for wanting to do it, but since they weren't listened to then the new guy (Hope and Change for now, Moron Hope and Change perhaps next) get to do at least the same bad stuff - and then have a go at pushing the envelope a little further.
My Grandpa told us that it's always legal until you get caught. So that applies to everyone. In the case of the President it appears the next administration never takes up the charge of righting the wrongs of the last guy. It's an unspoken pact of protection. And it should end. The only way to do it would be have Congress take up that charge.