The Walking Dead - Best TV Series EVERRRRR!


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Season 3 is proving to be a good one! Any of y'all watching it?
"Let's all argue until Zombies show up" is fairly entertaining.

The Walking Dead video game won many applauses for 2012. Some even giving it game of the year. As a videogame I say it's not that exciting. I see it more as an interactive choose your own adventure story. What it did have is an interesting story and it made you care about the characters.
I just finished watching the first 4 seasons of Breaking Bad on Netflix, which is an excellent show (can't wait for them to pick up season 5). I was craving something to fill the void and watched the first two episodes of Walking Dead. Can't say I really enjoyed it all that much. It's kind of a silly premise in my opinion. Not sure I'll watch episode 3.

I did however watch House of Cards on Netflix. That was also excellent.

The other show that I watched for a bit but have fallen behind with because it's not on Netflix is Homeland.

That's about it for me, I don't really watch TV on a regular basis.
What? A Canadian likes Breaking Bad? You'd think that show wouldn't work in Canada. Because you have Gov Healthcare the guy shouldn't need to make Meth to get his cancer treated. ;)
While waiting for Doctor Who, Empire Boardwalk and Dexter I've been watching Ripper Street

each episode gets better than the last! And it started out fairly impressive. The writing is spectacular.
i was watching it (and thats the truth), but by the time they had hit the halfway point of season two they had eaten off almost all of my favorite characters.... (the truth also)... so im not a dedicated watcher anymore... i may rent the season sets tho over a weekend and play catch up... my friend chris likes gore too but he had the same issue i did... they spent sooo much time developing the first characters that you grew to like them... after they got killed all the subsequent characters kind of came in and out... i dunno... mebbe just me...
I think I saw the 1st episode of this Dead series and I am completely bored by the zombie motif